
I don't speak German, but maybe... JUST maybe... they said it won't be F2P because they hate the P2Win model.

I work at a large enterprise level corporation that does a lot of cloud building and cloud hosting - this is a slightly better organized version of our lab (which is a test lab, so everything gets moved around a lot which prevents any 'solid' organizational structure).

I really really really really really need this to have some sort of quality Single Player aspect to it, and not just be another multiplayer-only cash grab.

...yes, that is... that is preposterous! Hah. Heh. No no, I wasn't suggesting that AT ALL.

Uhh, yeah? I mean... come on Fahey. It's a ROBOT. Everyone wants to build one.

This is a potential untapped market! We could be rich... RICH I tell you!

Weed nothing - every college kid I know would do horrible unspeakable things for free eats.

Dammit, it's too early - I read that as 'pornstar' and automatically clicked the story since apparently my 14 year old self is still in charge this early in the morning.

I am disappoint.

Also dude, seriously, just like... send them to a college campus or something. Pretty sure the students there would eat them.

DAMMIT! Now I can't go to bed! Someone is WRONG ON THE INTERNET!

Nor I, probably because I'm old and still think planking is an in-meme. Can someone from the snapplechat generation give us a heads up as to what this is?

It's snapplechat, right? I heard some kids talking about it the other day.

There are a number of flaws, though - and the response isn't just kotaku. Lots of general 'meh' responses around the internet. I've had my moments of fun, but it certainly isn't the kind of game I rush home to play constantly.

I disagree with the 'No' review, inasmuch that there are worse games that have gotten the

I work for a corporation. This comment is both true and mind-numbingly sad.

True, perhaps I'm more curious from a 'how bad of a design fuckup was this' perspective.

I have a journalistic story nugget for you guys:

What happened?

Seriously, this was a gem last year that everyone was excited about. Then suddenly low-fi graphics show up and the game gets held to (paraphrasing devs) "make the game more fun."

I give the game a solid 7/10, but it certainly wasn't worth my $60.

But it

Possibly - the one thing I can honestly clearly remember from my classes was a statement from my teacher that 'everything we currently know will be debunked and changed within a generation' - meaning that there really is no level of certainty.

Psychosis is a scary thing - it is very real and very possible that these individuals believe every word they said. Being mentally disturbed can give you interesting and horrifying beliefs.

I can't tell if the guy is trying to trollbait the US or thinks that jokes from 2008 are still funny.

"SAFE?" Is that some sort of slur? I am offen-oh wait crap, someone already made this joke to you already.

If there's work to do, sure, but if I have a vacation day available I will totally take the opportunity for a new game. Moreover, it is the level of excitement - the "man I hope it hits 5:00 soon so I can go play more" mentality.

*deleting dupes* Thanks kinja for making me look stupid