No fatality? Boooooooo /throws tomato. Only 75% of justice was served.
No fatality? Boooooooo /throws tomato. Only 75% of justice was served.
Alternate headlines for this story:
Why has Jezebel not covered that he’s running? :(
For as much public adulation that Clinton gets, he really has a fucking awful legacy in a lot of areas.
Thanks for writing this Erin. Clinton is the worst, but somehow people seem to forget why she’s so horrible. That fucking crime bill, the terrible welfare reform and those God damn fucking trade agreements (nafta) have led us directly to where we are now. The Clintons don’t give a fuck about poor people, so let’s not…
There’s been something I want to say for awhile and this is as good a place as any. Be warned, this shit’s political.
DC can “sort of” admit they reboot their universe too much via snarky comments in their stories, but it doesn’t change the fact that they probably couldn’t even support a long-term continuity after so many decades of relying on reboots to fix problems that rise up with their characters.
I recently separated after 7 years of marriage from a man who decided I was “competing” with him for valuing my career and ambition as much as his. We have a one-year-old daughter to whom I assume the same set of conditions does not apply when it comes to her future.
One of the biggest ‘MRAs’ spent his entire life dependent on women.
Wow, it’s changed a lot since version 2.
Miller himself has also been an open proponent of GMOs.
Why do all the headlines for all four of these stories sound like they were written by the cunt punch sorority girl?
In conclusion, Twitter is the worst.
Honestly I understand the dev’s feelings (even though I don’t agree with his immature public insulting). TB has this reputation (and fully believes himself to be) this prophet of fairness and intelligent insight. But he spouts biased statements with the same regularity and selfless-assuredness as anyone else, the only…
Funny you say assimilate since one of those things that they took from another game seems to be the Garrison which isn’t entirely unlike something they do in Star Trek Online.
Gotta love how all the judgment is thrown that the woman, and not at any of the 25 dudes who had sex with her, presumably quite well aware of what was going on.
Excuse me sir, but Redman is NOT an official member of Wu Tang. I feel as though by saying that he is, you are fucking with Wu Tang Clan and in case you are unaware, they are nothing to fuck with. Thank you.
I'm guessing that you can get the chance of hanging out all night with them by being a tall blonde woman.
Fuckin A. I’m not in the whole GT thing (don’t understand Kinja) but I made the mistake of commenting on a mean-spirited story in BCO that was basically “poor people, YUCK!” and Pinkham was incredibly nasty to me, so I avoid kitchenette entirely now.
If Jezebel bans me for pointing out one of their writers is not what he says he is, then something is seriously wrong. I would like to think this site learned from the Hugo Schwyzer fiasco.