
nowhere has it been confirmed or stated by nintendo or a creditable source that the nx will be released in 2016. the NX in all likelihood will not be revealed until the upcoming E3 which is IN 2016. nintendo would not release a console the same year they reveal it so at the earliest, it would be released in 2017. and

Here is some reality smack on you guys. NX is still not announced and if it will ever be announced on 2016 that means the specs, its capabilities, and possibly some prototypes will be shown on 2016(if not then its on 2017). 2017(if not then its on 2018) will be the hype generator... showing possible games, showcasing

It was needed, quite unfortunately - though I have to admit I only heard it once, not really “a bunch of times”.

Omnitake *

Anyone who tells you differently is either lying, is patiently awaiting for the chance to be Porsche’s newest PR intern, or drives a warrantied Range Rover daily.

Well see, when Gamers and journos wildly speculate on top of speculation (“NINTENDO JUST ANNOUNCED NX EVEN THO THEY WEREN’T READY BECAUSE THEIR STOCK HOLDERS WERE WORRIED THAT THEIR MOBILE AGREEMENT MEANT NO NEW CONSOLES!!! 2016 RELEASE CONFIRMED!!! WII U IS DOA!!!!”) and vomit it enough times, everyone assumes it to

Hates Porsche, thinks 911 is overrated.

I don’t fucking believe it, and I saw it.

What's the point of this article? Did the blogger just have to get it off his chest that the new Zelda might possibly maybe be pushed to a new console? This should have been a tweet if no substantial evidence is going to be given to us. But hey, that's modern journalism for you. Blurt out your opinions and call it

“rumours that the title had been shifted to the upcoming NX console”

Also a reasonable point of view. The trade off there was watching Gaddaffi kill his own people like ants. Neither is a particularly appealing decision.

Eh, it was a reasonable decision the first 4 or 5 times the US has tried to interfere in foreign governments. After a while, we have to ask ourselves “What is the common factor here?” when the vacuum is always filled by people even worse. We’re pretty much batting .000 in this respect.

Which is also a reasonable position to take. Assuming you can live with the reality of a madman mowing down innocent people like grass while you look on. Maybe that’s the better option, maybe not.

There were scores of Americans killed in more than a dozen embassy attacks under Bush. So when I hear "Benghazi" and no mention of a dozen attacks that came before - I think “empty-headed idiot”.

They had a defense. CIA and State department security was there, armed and fighting. They were outnumbered something like 10-1 during the assaults.

Yeah, I feel like Tyler’s missing the economic side of warfare here. Militarily (at least, geographically), Crimea was a great move. But the results of that have led to several publications saying Putin may “slip in the shower” at some point (aka be overthrown).

Snuggie is the new Business Formal.

Well, he’s the guy that admitted having no idea what he was voting on when he first got to Congress. Because he was new and distracted with family tragedy. Painful to watch him speak. I just wanted someone to come on stage, hug him, and walk him home.

I think Sanders was 100% correct and that Putin will ultimately regret going to Syria. I think Putin already regrets going into Crimea and Ukraine.