I believe you forgot the step where you get free food samples.
I believe you forgot the step where you get free food samples.
i once went on a date to a bar with some girl when she asked the bartender if she could plug her cigarette in behind the counter
No question: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manned_Ve…
Agreed. Its absolutely insufferable to read the comments section on anything involving Apple or Androids.
Nintendo’s a funny example. I joked you should add a caveat because I AM loyal to Nintendo, for purely emotional, nostalgic reasons. (That and a preference to that style of gaming, which I won’t call casual but I will call FUN.) Though I’m waiting for the first big price drop for a Wii U, when they really start to…
There’s nothing wrong with having exposure to a specific brand, liking what they offer, and using those products. People do that every day with brands of food, brands of clothing, etc.
“there are a lot of hipsters with Apple stuff”
I used to think Apple fans were silly for buying into a mindset like that. Then I bought a motorcycle.
Uninformed opinion is as bad as brand loyalty. Typically Apple haters parrot the same made up and inaccurate statements over and over again. like the “It’s expensive” mantra.
Oh you think Android dosen’t have hipsters? I guess you haven’t gone to any Android forums where the only tech advice offered most of the time is ROOT THE PHONE NOOB! WHY YOU RUN STOCK LOSER?! CYANGONEMOD!
“Just six months later, the tilt steering column motor failed again”
21.6 at 63.5? Damn, how many Sunoco stations did you drain to accomplish that?
Haha. Yeah, I think if I put it on the Hummer forums for $16k, the owners would be crawling all over their Donald Trump campaign paraphernalia to get to the computer and buy it.
I was offered, and accepted, $75 for a ten year old Ford Contour that wouldn’t start.
Indeed. I restrict my badmouthing to Volkswagen and Comcast.
Same. I fear now they may put out an APB for a guy in an old right hand drive Nissan.
No, this is a civilian model. The official name is AM General Hummer (until GM took over and rebranded them as Hummer H1, but that came much later).
I think my days with giant, land-crushing SUVs will probably begin and end with the Hummer.