Exactly. People are like "Snape wasn't really a bad guy" and it's like really? Did you just not read like books 1-6 where he was a complete ass all the time, even when he didn't need to be for some cockamamie scheme? He's a dick.
Exactly. People are like "Snape wasn't really a bad guy" and it's like really? Did you just not read like books 1-6 where he was a complete ass all the time, even when he didn't need to be for some cockamamie scheme? He's a dick.
Yeah. As much as she sorta gives me the whillies on occasion, she's also the most electable one of the democratic bunch this time around.
True. We talk a lot about whether America is the greatest country or the worst when the reality is that the answer to that question is kinda yes. There is a lot we do good, or at least decent. There is a lot that we do poorly. Personally, I'd argue that we're pretty okay simply because we have a robust political…
But there still isn't any real motive for anyone besides Adnan and maybe Don. Sure, Jay could have done it. But why? That's what gets me.
Make a notecard. Even if there isn't one allowed on your exam, it forces you to go through each and every thing you don't know from the semester and write it down. That's the whole trick of them. You think you're getting a cheat sheet, but really, you're just studying.
This is true. That doesn't make the decision to choose the Tahoe over the Focus or the Fusion because of a momentary blip in gas prices any wiser, though.
It's got a bad effect if people buy a gas-guzzler because they're lulled into a false sense of security. Gas will go back up. I really wouldn't want to be stuck with a new Tahoe when blip is through.
I have indeed seen it. And, sadly enough, it is very true.
Every time I see stuff like this all I can think of are the jerks who think that women have it easier in the dating pool. If this is how women get treated by strangers without any solicitation, I can't imagine what it must be like actually electing to go on a date with some dude you don't really know. That's some…
This has been an absolutely fucking awful couple weeks for people of color in this country. Just fucking brutal. But man, if there's anything hopeful I can pull from this it's these protests. Hopefully this is a bit of a turning point on this issue. I hope so, at least. I'm not sure I could really deal with there…
This is very exciting. If this capsule proves to be as robust and versatile as they say it's going to be, it's going to open up a lot of new avenues for human explorative space flight. Combined with the Dragon 2, the Space Launch System, and the Falcon Heavy, there's enough going on in R&D on ambitious spacecraft to…
I kinda think it's going to get better, if only for the broader availability of knowledge of discrimination and racism. It's getting a lot harder to float around as a privileged person in the world without being confronted by how the system doesn't work for those that aren't you. I think it was Neil DeGrasse Tyson who…
This article was wild from start to finish.
The people who get hung up on how he's "accused" and how that means he's innocent and all these women are liars make me so angry. If so many women have accused someone of rape that I've literaly lost count, chances are he's probably guilty.
Fuck Bill Cosby.
You know, you're right. This whole thing, my post included, is pretty dismissive of Movember, which is an organization that seems to do a lot of good. That's pretty damn shitty. If I could, I'd change Movember to No Shave November or delete the comment altogether.
"I ain't mad at you" is probably the best response to an interruption in the history of political speeches.
Don't forget the overpowering odor of Drakkar Noir.
I would be so on board with that shit. Not wooden? Check. Not a white guy? Check. Funny as hell? Check. Possessing an actual personality? Check. Not Leno? Check. Like, what's not to love?
My biggest problem with Movember isn't so much the people who can actually grow a beard, so much as the jackasses with six hairs on their face who act like they're growing any semblance of facial hair. You're not fooling anyone, guys.