

bone as in, sex up, or bone as in, prepare for marinating?

No, there's nothing in the song that says that, because there was no need to be redundant at the time the song was written. That era provides the context that makes the song creepy.

yeah, the ambiguity of the femur is a nice touch. Like, did @disqus_t0N3I7ztuQ:disqus just not feel like specifying which of @mwfuller:disqus's fenurs he snapped? Or was there just a femur on the ground and he snapped that one? Was it even a human femur? And who was the banana split for? Was it an apology? A

well, fungal scars, but yes.

I don't know much about this young lady's music, so I'm completely unqualified to criticize her, but I had a similar first thought on seeing the title: Is she really a grown woman? And she's like 50 lbs dripping wet, is she really that dangerous?

no, should be Killsqu4d.

The song they sampled is mostly crap, except for that awesome breakdown:

upvoted just for "added as a concussion"

Roger Dean.

"more like dick badley!"

it's not just on here, it's everywhere, with everything. Need to look arty? simply desaturate.

Thanks for the tip. checked out Mattress and Cancer Money, not my thing. I get a Big Business plus Killing Joke vibe. KJ is good when I'm in the mood but I've never been able to get into BB. Super intense is a good descriptor.

This is actually a decent song. Anyone know if it's representative of these guys?

**pushes glasses up nose**
Uh, PRETTY sure you meant "The Body"

My wife and I just watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang this weekend for the first time. What a great little gem.

It's like when The Buffoon went on a date with The Valedictorian and she laughed away all his vulgar idiocy by explaining each of his crude utterances.

I demand proof for this heretical statement!