
Except for her romantic interest in season 2!

ABC you are dumb

"… asking too many questions at the airport."

"Jumping around like a radioactive kangaroo" is the descriptor I recall from parts unknown, and it fits. The agility orbs were the primary part of that game's fun. It was also quite entertaining to get enough strength to pick up cars and hurl them at people.

Oh GAWD, I KNEW you were gonna say that! What the fuck, Xanderpuss, don't you have anything better to do?

The breasts direct blows into the head?

The worst colossus is Pelagia (which I had to look up) not because it's hard, but

I thought that game was great until I got to the first box escort mission. Ended up punching the DVD case and selling the games (I'd bought the first two together as Greatest Hits) at a loss. Fuck that series.

The fucking license tests in Gran Turismo were the same. Fuck that shit.

I rented that for Xbox back in the day and couldn't get past that level, and basically wasted the rental. PLayed it on PC years later and breezed through it, but yeah.


Inching closer to the end of it, I'd say.

My takeaway from this amazing post is that vocabulary should be more curated before the English language is destroyed.

Amen. His 30 seconds of screen time in Bad Lieutenant: PoCNola was way better than it had any right or need to be. And Boardwalk Empire - man!

I watched a video on something like Top 10 VSTs of 2015 and the fuckwad idiot never gave a single audio sample! He just said he liked them!

"for some reason"

Oh heck, if they get one of those new Flyboard Air hoverboards into this movie for some hand-to-drone combat, I'll watch the dang out of this.

While technically accurate, there is no causation in the described relationship.


GG Allin would have snorted the ashes, put the test tube up his ass, and then pissed on the front row.