
Financial math is simple:
You don't have enough money.
I don't have enough money.
Someone else has waaaaaaaay too much money.

Flowbees with the guard removed.

Man, that's harsh. Your reliable, faithful mouse gets a little depressed and you don't even buy it some mouse paxil? What ever became of loyalty?!

"Wha happen?"

It was all just a Resident Evil mocap session!

Mia Faith, according to these google goggles.

Well yeah, but it takes a second for that to register for him, because he doesn't want to believe it.


To be fair, when you get seduced by a demon with a three foot chitinous dick, you don't choose the location.

"Who stole your wallet?"

A friend of mine and I were having a late night drunken discussion of this movie and I mentioned that scene. For both of us, it was the introduction to what he called "the uncomfortable chub": remarkably sexy (90% Ms. Peña, 5% lighting, 5% "My Thang" bassline) but also notably creepy. The ambiguity where he's trying

Since you mention the QTEs in 4, I'll just add that I still hate them. The only part of an otherwise fantastic game that I played through at least 4 times. I felt like they were a tossup and it didn't feel like skill when I made it through them. Especially that fucking knife fight.

Maher had Bourdain on a while ago and (as I recall) blindsided him with an off topic question about liking prostitutes. Bourdain handled it well but you could tell he was like "this is not why I came here, BILL."

Edited to make more sense.

To be fair, modern politics in a lot of countries are a joke in themselves. The US is currently in the limelight due to the presidential election cycle.

Unfortunately, even if it's not intended as condescension to Trump supporters, it's nearly impossible not to have it viewed that way by them.

Holy FUCK that line of thinking infuriated/infuriates me. I don't want a president I can have a fucking beer with. I want a president who, when faced with hard choices, will make cold, calculated decisions that will benefit the most people in the long run. I want a person who can see 5 steps ahead of everyone