

But you've got lots in common!

Also safer, as a man died a few years ago due to alcohol poisoning from wine enemas. Not making that up.

They look like a toy gun available in the JC Penney's catalog from 1987 where there's a spring loaded hammer that hits an internal piece, creating a loud CLACK meant to emulate the report of a firearm, but actually just sounds like a countdown until it breaks in a week or two.


Nah, you're streets ahead!

Is there anyone home?

within WHAT?


That was actually my introduction to Underworld, so it's one of mine too, but I was not sure if I love it because of that, a la the reason I think And Justice For All is good, or because it's actually good.

Some of my favorites.

The coda to Cups is fantastic as well.

Really? Not Born Slippy NUXX? I find that odd.

It's on Hulu!

Man, that sucks. I remember seeing pictures of the brontosaurus in either World or Ranger Rick magazine when I was a kid, and thinking they were the coolest thing ever. Got a twinge when I just GIS'd them. hell, that's a day trip, too, maybe I should go there before they get all stupided up.

Darkman is definitely a Raimi film. The violence of it shocked me when it came out, specifically/especially when a minor character's fingers get broken. That was new to me and I liked it. It's also pretty batshit crazy; the "TAKE THE FUCKING ELEPHANT" quote upthread is a great bit. It's got a few flaws but they're

Cocaine momentum.

There's nothing in your post that proves your assertion. Can you be more specific, Mr. Shoes?

Are you Dawes?