
"I dunno, I think Maynard brought it."

I make no apologies for using words that mean exactly what I intend to convey.

There were some good jokes but I REALLY could have done without the self conscious nervous giggling. She's at her best on Brooklyn 99 when Gina's ego creates its own hegemony and allows her to be magnanimous and ridiculously arrogant.

When actually you someone you just actually was eat it.


Southbound Cinema had the wavs or mp3s available for a while, so I retagged them and now I have Danzig Shopping list on my thumb drive in my car.

That's what you said last time, dipshit!
I got a solution! You're a DICK!

Of course, if you're a creepy nobody with a moustache, people be all "500 yards this" and "get away from us that".

Very strong people.

"fingering correctly"

I mean, just, what the fuck. Why you do dat?

what the fuck i gotta click shit now why don't i just pay your fucking taxes too

I don't remember Rubber Jonny having heat vision. I just remember being quite amused at the thought of this poor bastard abused shut in getting high AF in a darkened room and going completely nuts with the Aphex Twins.

Goddammit Becky

The correct answer was #Downvoted

In 8th grade, in an 8th grade attempt to impress a girl, I told her I liked Alice Cooper. Her response was "Oh, me too, she's so pretty!"

"Awww, is daddy's little girl crying?"

Over the Top 2: The Toppening

Unnaturally simian countenance etc

How do you think that would have gone over, if Palpatine hadn't mortally wounded Vader and Luke was able to "rescue" him and bring him back to Sanctuary?