
Well, you do know what's in there: either nothing, poop, pee, or poop and pee.

Hoo boy, you don't wanna bring up book reviews around here. They're a little touchy on that subject.

Truuuuuue, but I still submit that he should stay in retirement.

Fucking really? he's a goddamned right wing golfer who was railing against the black metal kids because, and I'm not joking here, hell is real and they're going to burn.

Yeah… I can't claim to be an OG Hawkwind fan or anything, but "No Voices in the Sky" was my intro to Motorhead. I wouldn't know which song Metallica covered without googling it.

12 = 12pack or, when and where I grew up, a "half rack"

Well, dude DOES look like a lady.

Disqus puts this immediately after Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments' comment about edible dicks.

haha, this discussion went from funny to rage inducing immediately after I read your comment. well done.

Well where the fuck is she supposed to wear it then?!

He probably meant that you had the potential to professionally arbitrate legal disputes.

Oooo, food is eaty. That's getting used tonight. because it's usefully. use-y? this doesn't scale well.

haha, that brings back a, um, well, a memory.

I'd have gone with Trapped in the Drive Thru, but I'm not gonna fire up the pitchforks er nothin.

How is that not just one big setup for his most famous catch phrase?

White n Nerdy? how can you not like that one?

Nope. It's some first class subversive (because 80s) lyricism.

This sounds like some kind of drug induced fever dream. It's a personal question, I know, but what were you in the hospital for?

::quietly cancels black hole spelunking trip::