Then I take back "troll" but re-iterate "poser." He's claiming an objective basis that doesn't exist, and I don't think he understands why it doesn't.
Then I take back "troll" but re-iterate "poser." He's claiming an objective basis that doesn't exist, and I don't think he understands why it doesn't.
Economic "principles" are why it's not a science. If you knew anything about the actual practice of economic studies about minimum wage, you'd know that the length of the period chosen gets significantly different results. You're a poser/troll.
It's irritating for people to claim to be motivated by ideologies that are non-starters. There are no real world examples.
Trump "conservatives" are at 35 percent, and dying frequently.
I like this piece very much but it doesn't discuss what gave rise to the nihilism in South Park. The South Park boys, and Sean, are younger than me. By my lights, that particular nihilism entered the body politic in the Reagan Administration. It became OK again to be hateful towards minorities. It had only been not ok…
It's also a way of saying "I'll never grow up." This is an extremely irritating, at least, thing for middle-aged people to say. Libertarianism, and leftist anarchism, are inherently adolescent ideolodies. For middle-aged white men with money to claim to be kids at heart is the opposite of adorable.
The Huckabees, yeah. I know for truth that it's possible for an entire family of right-wing "Christians" to be psychopaths because I've seen it personally several times.
No, this is the one where the south is allowed to succeed.
We don't know what their scenario is. The likelihood that intelligent TV show creators would create a successful Confederacy in competition with the U.S. - where would they get that?
I can only assume that this is a world without Lincoln or any comparable leader. In which case by the 20th century, the line between the…
That's really not very specific, even if true, Jay S. And when you assume, you make an ass out of u and me.
Heyo! No, there's always a shit storm when there's a new category for competition and someone feels they've been overlooked. I didn't understand what the category is as described in the article. You explain.
What's indie TV?
I'm talking about the core Trump supporters who say that Russian collusion is no problem. They're not trying to distract. They have a different loyalty.
Tim Lasher needs to stop thretting with his thumb. I'm sure other guitar players have told him this. We're old and can still play. You might be young middle-aged with a trashed hand.
At least there's no ambiguity left. Trump supporters absolutely support Russian interference in our elections. If our republic of laws can't supply them with eternal privalege, then they'll go with the Russian mob/government.
If the parents could just be presented as wizards as in Harry Potter rather than scientists, it would largely detoxify at least this part of the story.
Deepmind has a website of exactly that name. It has publications that apparently explain these things, but they are quite technical.
I'm going to risk talking about things that are way above my head to say that I think "incentive" is being used metaphorically. The instructions for the constructions in the AI begin with…
This is appalling. Why would you do this?
Surnames ending in "ky" are usually Polish or Ukrainian ethnically. Don't know if that has any relevance.
Your comment made me wonder again about White House security clearances and do a little research. Kasowitz hasn't applied for a clearance because "he doesn't need one" (his spokesman, utter fucking bullshit). Apparently it's because he's a well-documented, publicly obnoxious drunk who's been in rehab recently and is…