Houston is slightly higher than Galveston, though it's still sinking. Look up what happened to Galveston.
Houston is slightly higher than Galveston, though it's still sinking. Look up what happened to Galveston.
Twitter (Reddit, et al.) have no need to protest. Cockroaches of the internet apocalypse, they'll be the last to go down.
For real? This is the telecoms' brilliant plan? They will cleverly lose in the courts, and then the invincible Republican Congress will pass laws in their favor?
Maybe he hopes the retro program will move the heroin epidemic out of white rural and suburban areas and back to the inner cities, where he no doubt thinks it belongs. Hey black and brown kids, remember heroin? No? We'll tell you all about it.
There was first in this man a rejection of truth. Then there was forgetting of rejection of truth. Then there was forgetting of rejection. I don't think the lasso would work on Reagan.
Crack is strictly a U.S. phenomenon because it's not big in Europe? There's a whole other continent on our side of the planet.
Just like in the Old Countries that the insistently white Americans believe are the origin of legitimate personhood. The crops are trampled and/or burned in the endless wars of Summer. The peasants starve in the Winter. Good times.
Yes, I'm a substitute teacher and so far haven't had one class for more than two weeks (grain of salt), but I see little resemblance between the actual students and their media counterparts. In part, I think that the teen stereotypes in the movies and TV shows are outdated. I saw more of the cliquishness and…
Nobody remembers the Hellboys?
I was asking how that would effect a non-governmental effort. That wasn't an answer.
No, my friend. I mean that they were fooled into thinking that they could have slaves, one way or another, even if they were ancestral slaves in Europe, and poor in America. That became an obsession for the worst of my people.
Which means they'll support any lie that they think furthers that. They want to be safe, and…
Ok, but what I'm proposing is not part of the government at all.
Trump's folks aren't gullible any more than Nixon's were. I was a child then, but I remember. What do you think people have learned since?
Thanks for responding like it's a real idea. What I was thinking was that the associations could start however they want. A conservative one that doesn't offer contraception or abortion. A liberal one that serves transgender needs. Those are tiny amounts of the total costs for either. They have more common needs than…
I've failed to convey the breadth of my vision. If the associations want dental, there is dental. And optical.
Let's say it is, for the time being.
Now pay close attention. Everyone here wants you to go away before they have to insult you more. It is not enjoyable, since you don't understand. Seriously, consider Yahoo commenting. You could find peers there.
We say a lot of silly, complicated things here. Have you tried the Yahoo boards?
If you're a gimmick commenter, you're too dumb to be entertaining. If you're anything else, you're to dumb to be.
Perhaps you need to be connected with real authorities on Islam. Or you just find me for your solution on trying to enslave and consensually rape women. I could probably give you what you really need.