Ms. Adequate

Why do you equate science with capitalism? I don't think they're the same thing at all.

Amphibians have apparently become intersex due to contaminants. Look it up.

I saw a really depressing thing on PBS the other day where people who were being permenantly flooded out of land that their families had had for generations in Louisiana still refused to attribute it to climate change. I think it's a denial that ends when they drown.

No, and I don't understand what you mean.

I marched in Los Angeles. The counter-protest there was extremely snow-flake-y. It was about 10 Trump supporters whose protective detail of cops outnumbered them about 2-1. The one guy with the megaphone was yelling "America First." He was easily drowned out by us chanting "Lock him up!"
Not particularly scientific, I

And the reason you can reply to me. If you're going to reject technology, you can't really do so through it.

Science is not the reason for that. The racist idea that black men were expendable, and degenerate officials and unethical scientists who perpetrated that horror are responsible. Science is bigger.

Sad to say, but this is good argument for humans adopting a synthetic language based on our best attempt at reason before our proteges take over.

I saw a Rick and Morty sign at the LA march. It said "Sometimes science is more of an art than a science, Morty," or something close to that.

I'd never actually seen Carlson before, because I don't watch Fox News, ever. I watched the clip off your link. Nye said Carlson had four children. It seemed to make Carlson even more nonsensical and angry. Maybe he knows on some level that his children and grandchildren, if any, will curse him. But he attacks the

Here's puzzle for our brilliant president. You can either work with Erdogan (who you've already recklessly praised in his plan to politically Islamasize his country )(and thereby become its dictator and again demonize another minority, the Kurds). Or you can place pressure to ensure Turkey stays a reliable ally. But

Maybe on the spectrum and can only wear one shade?

I have none, but the deceased's connection to science fiction, especially to such that must be hidden under floorboards, is interesting.

The only entertainment I derived from the AC thing was the Mythbusters segment that automatically ran in brain showing how close to impossible it was. Maybe it was supposed to be a really sophisticated joke about absurd plans working, or something.

People who wear denim on denim. A larger but not lucrative market. I'm mystyfied.

Because we all love the same thing in two flavors.

That was Afghanistan. WTF, I mean.

Is this Ridley Scott?

Ridley Scott, I don't think that I will be going to see Alien in theaters again. I've seen it many times, and in good venues at least twice. Your offer of exclusive previews of your next attempt at continuing your vision of the franchise might have been enticing if Prometheus hadn't been such a muddled mess. No thanks.

Or, they a have a moral (never the same as legal) equivalency and whatever damage they do to each other is just sunshine for actual good.