Ms. Adequate

They could still both claim to be performance artists in civil court cases, like custody. Nobody who cares about them will read real stuff.

Corporations ARE pretty close to people under U.S. law. But not yet sovereign nations, so no war crimes.

For scansion, you need to replace "lil fingered" with 'little" or another two-syllable word of your choice.

If there are scorpions. If not, we can pledge to avenge our wrongs from flight attendants at some place and time not on the plane.

I'm guessing that those are what are called "water bugs" or "wood roaches" in CONUS. Yeah, they can fly, but not well or very far.

A transatlantic flight is never the good part. But this might be the time ask for a little extra service, and question any extraneous demands. Aw, no fuck that. Do whatever they say.

No expert, but from what I understand the toxicity of scorpions varies and they can be dangerous to deadly. They're also not just in the desert. I've seen them in the green parts of Texas, though they don't seem to be common there.

Upvoted and ditto.

Offered learned​ that from her predecessor, who learned it from the Commander.

So we've learned that everything looks worse with its skin off. Most of you had never even considered doing this. But now it's in your head forever. Those who already thought of it - congratulations! You will be politically​ powerful when you grow up, and defund science.

These would all work as Mind/ship names in Banks' Culture universe. Got to represent, occasionally.

What was the bull supposed to be goring through?

What is known is the extraordinary wrongness of your positions.

Explain. None of this is known

Good choice. He's an actor who can memorize lines. Who writes the lines? Oh, snap.

Who next? I mean really. Who's going to next represent the Trump?

Are you familiar with behaviorism? B.F. Skinner and all that? You probably are but if not, I think you'd enjoy it.

I thought there was a slight pause where we were to expect her to say it, but it turned into "Ravi is a very cool guy."

Zombie babies have been done. But I don't think they fit the tone of this show.

Maybe because Chuy is a nickname for Jesus like Jimmy is for James and there could be as many places called Chuy's as there are called Jimmy's. I'd never heard of Freebird's. I looked it up and it sounds like another good reason not to go back to Austin.