Ms. Adequate

Ok, no good pizza in South Bay.

Ketchup on toast is better than Papa John's. I took a gig taking pictures and reviewing that a couple of times as a secret shopper, but it wasn't worth it.

Or if that's not explicit enough for you, they are manufactured slaves. They are providing the "slave-owning experience."

I remember (from when I was a teenager) that my dad's second wife asked me if I didn't feel that that the Screwtape Letters reflected my own thinking. I honestly answered that it didn't. She didn't believe me, because, I think, it reflected hers and she couldn't imagine otherwise.

No need for a new term. "Capitalism" still works fine.

Did anybody catch the broadcast tonight? It was mostly missable, as usual, but Gen. (Ret) McCaffrey made a startling assertion in the context of deterrence of ICBMs reaching the U.S. from North Korea, saying "the missile defense is a lot better than than people think" or words to that effect. The dim bulb Williams and

Nouns are all capitalized in some languages' spelling. German is one.

Irrelevant because the majority refused to initiate the process by holding hearings.

My guess is "minimal." Or "proportionate" as the Pentagon is now describing it. "Proportionate" actually matters in international law, if we're in international law here.

This was a strike against a Syrian government air base. I don't know if it was worthwhile or not, or legal or not, but it wasn't directed at a civilian target, from what we know.

Our beloved but troubled English language doesn't even have a plural "you" in the standard dialects. But you want to make a stink about this?

Where are you from? I'm from Texas and obviously can imagine these people. Where do they think you're from so they don't attack you?

Radio and TV have different revenue structures.

She knows what the word means, and rightly can't apply it to herself. She's a perpetrator.

Agree somewhat. Have to go for tonight.

So far, what you've told me is

Really, I think Putin liked the Soviet Union and the KGB. He's playing with fire all the time now manipulating criminals on behalf of a criminal state. Every time he murders another Russian patriot, the "nationalist" beard gets thinner.

An alternative idea from the world of science, inertia is not a force.

I don't need academic research to tell me about American despair. I'm one of the middle aged losers who's going to die younger than their parents. The reason I'm still talking to you is that I have some concern for you. I placed more faith than I should have, though less than you seem to, in theoretical formulas of

I'm also unhappy. I didn't know about the April Fool's joke having not been online. I saw the Rick & Morty unexpectedly on the East Coast feed, then still expected to see Samurai Jack at the scheduled time. But they got me. Haha. Can't tell you what this does for my goodwill toward Adult Swim, R&M and Carl's Jr.