Ms. Adequate

Most of the Republicans (I just misspelt "Republican" as close to "replicant" - put me in mind of empathy tests) are facing getting primaried from the right in their gerrymandered districts if they go for feeding hungry children and old people. I expect the Trump aspirational budget to achieve unprecedented success.

Freeway's a good movie. Witherspoon was speaking words written by writers.

Sorrow for the artists and scholars. Sorrow for the shade of poor ol' LBJ, an ugly man who somehow still had beautiful dreams. Dread for us under our hideous man, who has no dreams.

It does matter. The quality of your work product (that's what it's called in legal, but applies to any organization whose words are the product), shows your professionalism or lack thereof. That the WH still hasn't realized that it needs proofreaders for its press releases - I don't know what to call that.

It's disquieting, but the most most of them can do (guns do not equal courage) is try to make you despair. Don't oblige.

Again, yes. I recognize the tactics, though you're picturing Trump reading a book? I think bullying is just any bully's native behavior, which includes both Trump and Bannon.
My hope is that America is really beyond their heads.

Yes, but this is not Europe. Trump's supporters are not close to a majority. If Bannon thinks he can subvert the military and the rest of the national security structure, he's probably wrong.

It's just a reverse Turing test. Relax. They can totally tell.

If a man can't enjoy a woman smashing patriarchy, he should go back to his own kind.

I've said before here that her American accent is better than mine, though I'm American and she's South African. I meant that it's more consistent than mine. I have different regional accents that I'm from, and they kind of fade in and out. I seriously doubt her English accent is Dick Van Dyke-like. More likely it's a

OK, I give up
So many lost comments.
Mostly others' but mine, too.

OK, the topic was making Trump stop deleting his Twitter.

This appears to be the discussion of the collapse of natural feature. I would like to listen to associated scientists on this.

I've always understood "the Clap" to be gohnnorria.

That's definitely what they should have done. Perhaps with an ROTC consultant to make their pretend, pretend military believable.

Yes, and quickly, before anybody in the WH thinks to look for a Trump-supporter poet. In all possible fairness, that would not be a poet either.

I'm surprised that no lawyers have weighed in on this, though, who knows, maybe they have but their comments disappeared, like I saw on a thread earlier today. Anyway, this is like Judge Judy. It's people with real cases who agreed to arbitration rather than court. It's at least somewhat harder to replace the

Maybe two lists? Best standalone entertainments and most thematic? Dead Things is a downer, but pretty much Season 6 in an hour.

My favorite joke is still calling them Uday and Qusay, though that may be a bit dated.

True about the influence of money, and your point is that the reason we don't have it is that Obama, personally, didn't want it? Polls don't matter. The flip side of our horrific health care cost is the fabulous sea of profit made from our healthcare that's available to fight single-payer.