So if Obama hadn't ignored the Tinkerbell of single payer - if he'd just asked us to clap and believe, it would have happened. Read some history. It only barely happened in Canada in a fatter, more liberal time.
So if Obama hadn't ignored the Tinkerbell of single payer - if he'd just asked us to clap and believe, it would have happened. Read some history. It only barely happened in Canada in a fatter, more liberal time.
The Republicans have no long-term future in a republic with full suffrage and the rule of law. They are now committed to reducing voting rights and placing economic power above citizenship and human rights. The attraction to authoritarianism isn't new or all about Trump. They won't be turning out any heroes.
Aw, shit. This is where my students got it from. I didn't know, just thought it was small and random. I tried to point out that a lot of their favorite technologies depend on satellites, which can take pictures of the round Earth from orbit. I need to come up with something better for next week, if I hope to compete…
Austin sucks. Travis county may still be a blue island in terms of voting, but the locals own and control little of the culture they created. That's my opinion, based just on brief visits since I lived there. I'd love to learn otherwise.
Can we talk about our issues about. Asia?
I'm getting out right now. Choose for yourself.
You may think that you have this through more than you've actually.
Slow. Down.
Stop being silly. These are things that have to be proved in a hostile environment. Get respectible.
Reading through the thread - I never thought of Putin killing any
possible Romanov descendants. But why wouldn't he, in the unlikely instance that they exist? It's exactly what he would do.
It might be difficult to ensure that all the pig rectums were inverted. That would mean turned inside-out, like hose. But if the pig rectums were allowed to mature for a few days, at room temperature, before delivery, I doubt anyone would check closely.
I like Emerald City. I wish AV Club was following it. It's not "gritty" in the usual sense. Its Oz is gorgeous, extravagantly so - but it's cold. It's in a cycle that probably precludes hope, but not necessarily.
Most of the middle-schoolers I ask what they want to be when they grow up say You-Tubers. Then I say you don't have to grow up for that, what's stopping you now? Then the blank looks. They assume that they're going to be somehow more interesting and/or motivated later. I guess we all thought that.
What is Ridley Scott getting at?
Fair enough.
MC 900 Foot Jesus was describing a less dangerous time, that I lived in also. Now, in this time, I am confounded. But I'll figure it out.
The timeline on the comments is confusing, and dispiriting.
Goddamnit, sound editing going to a war movie. It's too easy. And I'm sick of war movies. And war.
Predation isn't political.
If you find it, you won't enjoy it. Unless you're a monster that feeds on pain.
He'll make an inappropriately good-looking movie Unabomber, if that happens. The problem seems to be his conduct.