
Interesting to see him say he’d be interested in stepping back into Jung’s shoes.

I remain mildly interested. Tatiana Malsany’s performances as the clones really became the main draw once the plot got too convoluted. I don’t care that much about the world but Krysten Ritter is cool.

I mean, there’s still all that horrific shit of him sliding into underage girls DMs and telling them they’re hot jailbait.

Everyone seems primed to react to these articles defensively or whatever, but honestly, in this case, it’s something I picked up on as well during my first watch of the show. They’re definitely treating Ellie differently and trying to push that she is more innately violent than in the game. To me it seems clear to be

When I was a little kid, a giraffe at the zoo lifted me at least 1,5 meters above the ground (5 feet?), before gently putting me down.

Well, five of these questions are answered by “after the opening credits of Episode 1.” Honest mistake, easy to miss if you take an hour long coffee break once the opening title flashes.

I enjoyed Foggy and don’t *at all* get the hate people have for him. I mean... maybe the “satellite guy/nice guy” thing he had with Karen? I dunno, though. Unlike a lot of dude characters in that position he seemed to move on quickly and with little fuss. Even got together with that vaguely evil blonde lawyer IIRC.

“I don’t need to be in the MCU, I’m Nic Cage.”

anyone else see this and think “What advantages does this motorcar have over, say, a train. Which I could also afford.”

Speaking of Grogu, if, at any point in these recaps, I mistakenly refer to him as “Rogu” (a different alien baby who was introduced in 2019, a year before Baby Yoda’s name was given as Grogu), I refuse to fix it. That’s my promise to you!

Is that all you got out of it?  You should slap your elementary school teachers for failing to teach you how to comprehend what you’re reading.

This is an obnoxious comment, but that wasn’t a clicker. It had functional eyes and wasn’t clicking. It was more like a stalker.

this episode is for the heart my sweetie. Ellie has known a real loss. loss of a future with Riley and a loss of a past childhood she was never given. Her vulnerability towards Joel feels much deeper.

It was a weed joke. It was a joke about weed. I have no idea how people have managed to turn it into an anti-vax statement.

Soviet and Communist aren’t synonyms by a long shot. 

I mean it’s not the FF. That’s for sure.

Kreiger’s van from Archer of course

Hey, “that guy” is here!

This is pure speculation, but I consider that when called out for abusing his power in the writer’s room he came clean with a direct, self-reflective apology. I think maybe while Harmon’s a super messy individual, he knows that doesn’t fly in the workplace and is open to accountability

imagine being enough of a fuckhead to type and publish this comment, seek help