
Seriously, McKenna Grace was phenomenal


No Foggy, no Karen, NO PEACE!

They say that the best revenge that you can have against your enemies is to live a long and happy life.

Yeah, 2 & 3 are the best, but I keep finding myself dwelling on seasons 5 & 6 during my annual rewatches. Those are weird and hiding something special.

Ontario! Not Alberta, as I assumed

Man, I’ve been reading that the views on this show are terrible and that’s really, really depressing. I think this is the best written Star Wars anything. That scene with Syril and his toxic mother was so well written and so well acted you could have set it in a NYC apartment and it would have still worked. I hope

I thought he wasn’t going to be in Deadpool 3 because of the sexual assault allegations.

Andor has gone from the name that I didn’t really care about on that big MCU-style Star Wars Wall-O-Announcements screen to now the guiding light for every major Star Wars project going forward.

I feel like the collection of racing scandals you are highlighting would be a great compilation for another book with Alanis.

Those people should be forced to watch "Lake Placid", for starters.

Kevin Smith did try to grow beyond the ViewAskewniverse, Jay and Silent Bob, all of that. And he got smacked around. Rather than deal with more of that, he decided to drop back and stay with what worked, as a filmmaker. Then he discovered that talking about it was even better gig than _doing_ it.

This is the first Star Wars property that has made the TIE fighter as awesome and fear-inducing as it was back in 1977, in my opinion. Too many movies and shows have made the TIE into easily-dispatched cannon fodder. But in Andor, they’re loud, they’re fast, they’re frightening, and just glorious.

...because overlords are sensitive to the concerns of the underlings?

spoken like a person who’s never had to work a food service job. 

Cactus Plant Flea Market-style four-eyed toys of the old McDonald’s characters

Considering where the Wanda plot went in the Doctor Strange movie - not to mention what happened to the rest of the community in WandaVision itself - it’s surprising to be revisiting any of the characters, including Dottie.  A good surprise, but surprising nonetheless.

I know I’m in the minority, but I genuinely enjoyed Picard season 2, even with all the warts and pacing issues. John de Lancie was given some of the best material since “All Good Things” and, for the first time, Brent Spiner played a non-Data role that didn’t come off to me as goofy. I also enjoyed the exploration of

Nice to have another entry that doesn’t deliberately mimic Lucas’ awful, awful dialogue and has people who talk like... people.

This is the first one I’m interested in watching. For one, Rogue One was by far the better of the recent Star Wars movies.