
I know this is the right move, but I was really looking forward to the start of the season. It seems likely now that we won’t get any races until at least June, so I guess I will have to ration out the rest of the episodes of Drive to Survive until then.

This was the one my dad had on the shelf, and that I read as a 12 year old. As I got older I drifted away from reading his work, as he drifted away from writing them, but I’m sad to hear he is gone. His non-fiction work was particularly good, and I always respected someone who used their wealth to help find lost

Lol, good one

This is really interesting to me. We didn’t even bother driving the Tiguan because the stated storage is so much less than the Forester.

I am 6'1, I can easily sit in front of my child’s large carseat. It had more legroom than pretty much anything else we tested.

I think you have accidentally posted a photo of an R8 on the left there

til: There are still people out there who think that was a fair penalty.

Thank fuck for that. :)

Very important question. Is the show beeped like the trailer, or does it air uncensored somewhere? This will determine whether I watch it or not.

It is available in Canada on cable. As long as you speak French. Which I do not.

Clearly not everyone, as this is a new world record. So it is faster than (1.5 stops x 20 cars x 20 races x 51 years) 30,600 stops. There used to be more cars, but less races, so I think my maths is good there.

As a New Zealander, with the easy of import, it was a common sight on a Saturday to see a line up of Skylines of various trims, as well as tricked out Cefiros, STIs, Evos, Supras and other similar cars owned by drivers in their early 20s. I lived near one of the main streets and it was like living near a drag strip.

Congrats on your new lucrative gig as touring Christian comedian and Tim Allen stand by

Was wondering what the hell a Montero was, then I remembered that the renamed the Pajero in the Americas, with good reason.

Love this story, and as someone who was a Williams fan back in the 90s, and got back into F1 in the 2017 season, I can somewhat sympathise, although presumably at least Williams isn’t going anywhere...

I can speak to this a fair bit I think, as I currently own a Lancer and my parents have had three over the past 15 years. I also had a Galant a few years ago.

Really sad about this. I really enjoy this show, and although I enjoy Runaways I think this was the stronger show.

I’m in the process of buying a new car now, and so far both dealers I have been to have given me a quick feature run down then handed me the keys. When I got back, I asked for a business card as I am still considering my options, got the card and left. The first one my wife drove the car for most of the afternoon.

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