
BMW 3 series, 22 years old. Driving with some friends in the back. Made a turn across traffic into a two lane road, hit the gas a little early at the same time the front wheels were over a large steel manhole cover. Car bounced once to the left, once to the right, then spun 180 degrees leaving me facing the other way,

Drunk college students so... Sometimes.

Yeah, I had an E36 and the seat belts came from the middle. Confused a few of my passengers back then.

I’ve avoided listening to any of the new songs, so I can hear them for the first time when the album comes out.

Anyone know if there is a way (legitimately) to watch this in Canada?

I just find it an immense amount of fun, I tend to watch late at night after a few bourbons. I can see how it wouldn’t be to a lot of peoples taste, but for me it brings me joy and that is sometimes all I ask from a show.

Didn’t watch Farscape, but I did catch up with Dark Matter after it ended. Reading up on it, it looks like it was cancelled because Syfy didn’t own it and wanted to invest in its own programming. (Most of which it seems to have now cancelled)

That is great news! Love this show so much, and been waiting for the other shoe to drop to be honest. Having a show cancelled is one thing, but to have it renewed for two seasons then not be made would be so much worse.

I am going to miss Barbara Kean being bonkers, killing people and looking great doing it a lot more than I am going to miss this show.

Came here to post this exact message. He is great in Barry as well of course, but his performance on Gotham was amazing

My favourite season remains Archer Vice, with Pam as the Cokey Monster.

This is what I was thinking too. Most rock radio stations I have heard play Sublime daily, and have for the last 15 years as far as I can remember.

100% agree, I still like this show, but the attempts at emotion every week are getting tiring, and some of the relationships I can’t imagine ever caring about. (I boo the screen every time Ash Tyler looks blankly at Micheal while she emotes at him).

This is such a good columnist to have, cos you can read it, then know that the exact opposite of what they recommend is the right thing to do.

We hired a tiny little Lupo, which did the job just fine, although we didn’t actually get to drive as much of the road as we intended as the bridge was washed out before Hofn. The car wasn’t actually big enough for both our suitcases, but everyone we spoke to said Iceland is so safe there was no problem with leaving

Growing up in New Zealand, the biggest engine I had ever come across was the 4.1 litre 6 cylinder in Dad’s Ford Falcon. Almost all cars had a 1.3-1.6.

So glad they had this available to watching online. Watched almost the whole thing, what a great race.

Can’t tell if you are trolling or just didn’t read the whole article.

Agent Carter. That is where I was trying to place him from.

This s design popped back into my head this week, 20 years after I last saw someone do it. Are you stalking me Jalopnik?