
Unlikely things happen all the time. There are four people in my team at work, two of us share one birthday and the other two share another.

I would say that some of this information is definitely in the best interests of the public to be shared, particularly around Sony and the MPAA's tactics in pushing TPP and the level of Sony's involvement in various politicians who are supposedly charged with making these decisions in our best interests, not those who

In this episode Mac was wearing an Ireland Rugby League shirt, a sport I am pretty sure they wouldn't have ever heard of

Definitely a Canada problem. I spent a hour trying to find a way to watch it legally. (I have Roku's, a Smart TV, a media PC and a PS3 so plenty of options). Eventually gave up and torrented it.

"Look, my arse is on the line here, and I don't want a cockup"

Huh. Thought I was the only one who regularly thought about trepanation when I had a bad headache

I went to a Catholic high school, my final year English movie was Se7en, which we watched twice. Most people seem to be a little surprised by that one.

That Steve Miller song might be the most awesomely awkward rhyme in music history. Love it.

I think you would need to stretch that to outside the English speaking world there @avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus , it was a cultural phenomenon down here in the Antipodes as well.

I didn't think I'd heard a Beiber song until someone told me that 'generic female pop singer K' that the radio station my colleague listened to played was actually said Beiber.

Wow, you have to wait a year for new FG? What about The Simpsons? In New Zealand they air them the following week. (And thats only cos we are a day ahead, so can't air them till the following Sunday).

Just an amazing 22 minutes of television. The best I have seen since "Raptures Delight", and sure to be added to the list of episodes I force friends to watch to convince them that AD isn't a subpar Family Guy. (Although its hard to imagine how FG could be any more subpar these days).

My favourite segment in the show is from this episode I think. Bret is trying to give his name to his co-worker and she can't understand what he is saying. It struck pretty close to home as I was living in Canada at the time and had got used to making a writing gesture so people knew I wanted a pen, not a pin.

Definitely created for the show. The man in the ad is Taika Waititi, who was a director of several episodes of the show as well as Eagle vs Shark, which starred Jemaine.

I saw this movie on a bus from Huacachina to Lima, in Peru. Not the ideal situation to view this sort of movie, but I remember thinking it was pretty good. Or at least I did, until the driver left the disk on the DVD title screen for the last hour of the trip, subjecting us to a thirty second loop of pitchy violin

Sorry to hear that. I have only been a regular here for about the last 6 months, but in that time I have read reviews of pretty much every show I have loved, most of which it seems you wrote.

I'm a little dubious about their net worth calculation. It seems to simply add up what they have made. That's a bit like saying I have made $50k a year for the last 10 years, so I'm worth half a million. Certainly doesn't mean I have that in the bank. Hell, given tax I probably only saw two thirds of that to begin

Best example I can think of is Filter. I wonder how many people bought that album after hearing "Take a Picture" only to find the rest of the album is a sort of heavy industrial.

This. I am not in the US, so I'm not gonna comment on the USA chants etc, but the way it was presented is a little unsettling. It seemed like it was being treated like it was the end of a movie, the credits roll, the good guys won. There are many many people who will be dealing with this for the rest of their lives,

Girls forcing their boyfriends? Lucky. I have made at least two girlfriends watch this with me. I didn't realise it had a reputation like that, I'm a guy and I really like it.