Keyboard Ross

It’s like some weird hall monitor instinct.

Not Penney’s fidelity

It’s a funny way to spell Wendy’s Chicken Caesar Pita

Total Recall. It was Friday, I was bored, I had just turned 17 and figured hey I could go see this R-rated movie by myself. Knew nothing about it because they didn’t market it well. What a trip.

You didn’t meet any fauns?

There will be a special kids-only airline called Crusader Air

George Lucas would agree but it doesn’t rhyme.

You remind me of myself, before I grew up and became of those adults. For me, it’s health reasons.

Manuel Labor

Excuse me

You can set your watch to him. He puts in the same consistently boring performance every night and that’s a good platform to just plug superstar actors/ actresses, appease sponsors, and plug movies. Being an unoriginal white guy pays off I guess.

“Let’s go beat up some rival fans outside the stadium, then go inside and watch athletes flop on the ground.”

Rogue-infested streets of suburban Detroit.

ah, beat me to it



Never trust groups of people with power. The only way to be safe is find some like minded people like yourself and keep those groups in check.

The text ruins it

I missed most of what was said during the “you have two of ... these!” scene because I was trying to figure out that painting.

It’s so staggering I want to throw a frisbee at his head