she’s already’s ready with a “not human “ interjection
she’s already’s ready with a “not human “ interjection
Same, and I thought when he would finally turn around there would still be no face.
We’re here, we’re Goofs and we wear white gloves.
tl;dr = k
After paying the fine does he get to control the dice?
Potential mid-season firing - they used Magaray’s Jambaroo template
I was waiting for Ashley’s smile to disappear on the ride up the escalator
Those execs are merely RANDOM DANCING
I figured he would have a sheepdog named Martha.
Guy lives in a vacuuuuuuum.
He’s sorry if anyone got offended.
I’m getting the impression (or being led to believe) that the four of them are there as an experiment to see if Michael (or any demon) can be “saved” from the bad place.
He should have jumped something, then snuck away while the car was in mid air and Merle was talking.
“Not great!”
A diet called “The Santa Clause”
Imagine a car with “extra protection” added to the body. Now imagine driving that car into a brick wall without having a seat belt or airbags. You’re still flying through that windshield.
The hammer, it does nothing
All this time I thought Jason was the leader of a “60 percent” dance crew, not “60 person”. I was wondering what the remaining 40 percent was for.
I can tolerate most theme songs, but the song used for the Somebody Knows Something podcast makes me want to lash out.