Best April Fools gag yet.
“one way or another, a face will be added to the hall. Even if you hide underneath the porch,or hide down behind the furnace.”
It’s hinky.
Here’s where the vtec kicked in.
“Hey, if they would just legalize tobacco and tax the shit out of it, the government wouldn’t have to waste money policing it.”
Today on a very special “Funbag!”
The details of what the Danish media has been calling “kone-gate”—translation: “Wife-gate”
If that guy had just said “augh” a bit sooner it would be a great sample
I hope those guys get Thinner
I grew up in an area where there are a lot of people with Dutch ancestry, and they would surely be upset about this. The wasting of money, that is.
Gopher from the Love Boat did as well I believe
The store waffles are garbage.
These trolls are removing any joy from Division.
Wow, he had a house just for falling apart.
First thing I think of whenever I see one of these movies.
The uncanny valley.
So are the defensive and offensive lines just going to hug it out now?