
My favorite moment of his was going to the Islamic Center of Washington DC right after 9/11, and told anyone who wanted to discriminate against Muslims in America as retaliation to diplomatically fuck off. Even as a Democrat, mad respect for reaching across the aisle. Here’s the full transcript for anyone who’s never

GW Bush did do some commendable things as President, including, for example, pressing to funds to help fight AIDS in Africa. And one of those commendable things he did was to sign legislation instructing the Smithsonian to start planning for this museum, and saying he believed it should be built on the national Mall.

Right off the bat this morning were on this shit again?

Why should he face charges? He was attacked


But, please, by all means let Al Shapton visit the White House as often as he wants and stump in support of Hillary.

As you say, though, these events are not random. They are byproducts of our terroristic foreign policy, which has caused relentless misery around the world and (surprise) come back to bite us in the ass. But people don’t seem very interested in fixing that.

How badly was Tony Romo injured in this skirmish?

McCourty is a smart dude (and a fellow Rutgers alum.)

I’d love to know what, exactly, you think this has to do with the first amendment. Last I checked, Univision wasn’t the government.

Univision is Congress?

The Shawshank Redemption, which is not a good movie at all, but actually a bad one.

Everyone knows the shifty eyed, mustache twirling CSA charged into battle yelling “For Slavery!” while the noble, angelic faced Union charged with the battle cry “For the Blacks!”

Surprised he even answered the question. Kaepernick’s actions have zero relevance to Michigan or their upcoming season. It’s just a reporter trying to add fuel to this ridiculous fire.

While OPs nastinessis excessive, you’re finding out how large the “Loves Deadspin, hates Gawker” crowd is. You’ve been posting about politics, but the editorial voice was different, and better, IMO (and obviously others’ too).

Yeah, well I've been reading Deadspin longer than you've been posting here. And I never personally insulted you. So how about you show some class and keep it respectful.

I kind of hate how shitty Gawker writers are now writing for Deadspin about crap that has nothing to do with sports.

Considering Hillary Clinton’s husband was the one who signed the legislation that led to a generation of mass-incarceration and proudly gutted social services in the name of ending “welfare as we know it,” there is every reason to be dubious of Clinton’s commitment to improving the lot of minority communities in this

“But this bullshit equivocation of Democrats as equally guilty for this ongoing police state is laughable to people who have been paying attention to the political landscape for the last forty years.”

Do they hate us enough to save their own ass next time?