
Ok cool so then from now on every powerful white male that gets declared innocent of rape is completely blameless. Let’s go party at UVA and Duke and meet some heroes who were wrongly dragged down by annoying women.

I will probably vote for her as well. I just don’t like this revisionist history of her or her husband. I find her to be a vile person...but sometimes vile people are adequate leaders. That’s my hope here at least.

Nice job questioning a rape victim’s story. You are a modern day internet commenting Bob Woodward.

Or vote for neither, because they both are horrendous people.

Because her job was to discredit the rape/assault survivors. Much like her role with Monica Lewinsky

But I WILL be voting for the person who’s literal job was to discredit the woman assaulted by her husband.

Keep denying people’s rape claims!

Rape denier.

oh no!

right next to the UVA ‘rapists’

You are a moron.

Please get an abortion if you did.

You are a fucking loser.

Sqarr raped me. Sqarr is a rapist.