
I know they dont think this is what being an ally to the Black community looks like. SMFH. Lets just blame the Black guy!

Celebrate Juneteenth by throwing a black man under the bus. Good job San Jose! /s

She was one of my favorite parts of Firefly/Serenity.  Badass and beautiful. 

I always had a mad crush on Gina Torres, she seems super cool.

Hold up. Hold up. Hold👏🏽.The👏🏽.Fuck👏🏽.Up.

I stupidly clicked on the link to that plantation site and then stupidly read (ok, skimmed) the modern day version of an overseer’s long, delusional ass post. I regret this. Does anyone in these comments live there? Because someone needs to go slap him right across the face.

It’s still not enough. It will never BE enough. The officers pulling this shit face no real consequences themselves, so they’ll just keep doing it. Nothing will change until the *officers* and their *union* are the ones who pay the price of fucking up and not the rest of society which has no say over officers being

Only $35000 for violating the rights of two minors and an illegal (unconstitutional) search? That family must have hired a bargain basement lawyer. Hell, they had a case where it could be argued that the police sexually assaulted minors. How aren’t there two extra zeros on that settlement?

Protip: If your rights have

It’s much easier to just spend a few weekends marching and wearing a t-shirt than to actually desegregate the school that you pay a lot of property taxes to keep segregated

The one thing white people fear losing if Black Americans are treated as they get treated:

Folks, please don't engage with the trolls.

Shit, I coulda told you that ANY corporation who says they are donating to ANY cause are lying.

Not at all surprised. Reminds me of last summer, went to the DMV and the line was outside. Standing behind me is a white girl with a Black Lives Matter mask reading a copy of Ralph Ellison’s The Invisible Man. I nodded “hello” to her and she cowered away from me like I was about to steal her purse.

Every single thing Republians have done in respose to this project has shown why it’s so important.  They claim current education is “good enough” and then show their whole asses by fucking up the most basic things.  I mean, these clowns don’t even know what the Three-fifths Compromise was.

How do you de-escalate when someone have a gun?”

white people invented race; invented racism; invented an entire system to keep Black people slaves; keep Black people from learning how to read; breaking up Black families and shipping their wives, children, fathers, mothers, who knows where; invented slave patrols to capture and return Blacks who escaped; created

I basically feel bad for everyone but the cops. The mom didn’t do anything wrong. Her daughter appears to have been abused and she did the right thing trying to protect her. The kid was alone in a bathroom. The cops needed to de-escalate and they didn’t. 

She got weary. After 2020, everyone should. I’ve also had to rethink my position on those mothers of murdered children who complained about the celebritization of the BLM leaders once I saw the MULTIPLE luxury homes being purchased by that one leader and her girlfriend/wife. Activists shouldn't have to subsist on

Only America can make equal rights and justice seem like a some kind of special “one day only” event.