The real problem is the people who hire new cops are exclusively made up of group 2. We need to fire everyone in law enforcement and start from zero. Hire some Dutch or Icelandic cops to train them everyone from scratch.
The real problem is the people who hire new cops are exclusively made up of group 2. We need to fire everyone in law enforcement and start from zero. Hire some Dutch or Icelandic cops to train them everyone from scratch.
Has there been a week since the year without a story about the police acting violently against black an brown people? It seems that every 2-3 days, something new happens...
Remember that time the lady cop got off on the wrong floor and shot Botham Jean in his own living room? She only got 10 years for that. Same kind of stupid. Same kind of charge.
An indentured servant made the choice to be that and worked off their debt after seven years In the New World. So it’s like apples and you’re full of shit.
I said that applying todays morals and ethics to people who lived centuries ago to call them racist was wrong.
“All I can say is that applying the morals and ethics of today to people who lived and died 250 years ago does not make them racists by their standards. Just ours.”
Slavery was also morally wrong then; stop pretending that it wasn’t and that condemning slaver holders for holding slaves is somehow pushing modern sensibilities onto them. It’s not.
Fail. You still have not shown us the white slaves - even by your own admission!
They have a technology now called Smart Holster where, if someone pulls their weapon out of the holster, it saves that information and then the person who pulled their weapon has to report why they did so later on.
They should do it like watchmen, they need permission to activate their gun because fuck them.
There should be zero tolerance for accidents if you are a police officer. If you can’t deal with that then you shouldn’t be a cop.
Imagine valuing Black lives so little that you don’t bother to discern the difference between an 8 ounce taser and a 3-pound gun. Especially because she would have had to turn the safety off on either one.
Listen, I don’t give one shit what the officer who discharged her weapon is entitled to.
Here we go again. White people get caught doing something shitty and racist. People rightfully call out a motherfucker and withdraw from them. Rather than correct and apologize white person complains about “cancel culture.”
The part about his mentor giving him a laced blunt when he was but a baby... gah. Sincerely hoping he’s at peace and am thinking of the people he loved who loved him and the impact he made in his short time on Earth.
Why if it wasn’t Meghan and Harry’s interview, he could have lived to at LEAST 150 or 160, guaranteed!
The CBP could not provide data on how many minorities versus white travelers are pulled over for secondary inspections at border crossings or how many are detained.
It is CRAZY how much these Trump supporters are getting duped, grifted, and fucked over by their own team, and even after having to go through their banks to get their money back, are still on team Trump.
I personally enjoyed her showing how much she really doesn’t understand anything by calling the sponsors “corporate communist” since those are in direct opposition to each other.
Kemp needs to remember that his and the GOP’s nightmare is his own damned fault. She’s coming for his seat at some point, but for now, she’s got plenty of time to adapt to his Jim Crow 2.0 bullshit.