
I dunno, but I'm off to go play a game and fix my eyes!

I want to see this fight. This maybe the end of RIAA. An all out attack on free speech. They now want to force feed us their shity sites *first*. calling for censorship, violating net neutrality.

Until they fix the color temp for LED, they're garbage for the most part. Unless you want your home to look like a hospital OR, you need to get bulbs with 2900K and less.

I think it does. Android shows you what permissions the apps have on your device and it's up to you to decide to uninstall the app. Cyanogem Mod had a way to revoke app's access one right at a time but it's time consuming and often broke the app, that was on gingerbread, nothing on ICS yet.

Chernobyl was acknowledged and people evac'd. Fuku is a crime against humanity, after the lies are revealed, it will be worse than Chernobyl.

meanwhile in the US, republicans want to elect a douche-bag executive for president, a man who fires people and pockets their salaries, while wearing magic underwear.

I can't stop laughing. It's like Owen Wilson with a half a brain.

anything that wants to eat me gets shot on sight!


I agonize over lastpass every day. I want a locally stored solution that works on all browsers and android, not easy to find an intuitive one like lastpass

can radiation detectors be small like this?

the only way I'd switch is if they have a fee model that won't nickel and dime me. I hate lastpass's yearly subscription. I hate all payment systems like that that try to keep me on a leash.

If there was just ONE decent step by step on how to achieve this (to help the masses), your comment would carry more value than just being a snark.

please Giz, fix your videos or stop posting them.


Why can't I ever see a video on io9 on firefox? What do I need to do? all I see is an image where the video should be. flash works when I go to their site.

Don't you wish the world was this awake when they fucked us with the DMCA?

so now the democrats are the fascists? when did they switch roles?

another piece of shit tablet with no GPS.

I have a question. Can I use one of these tv as if it were a simple old tv? with no annoyances that will prod me to use the apps or whatever makes it googly?