
All these people who read the adult Dylan’s descriptions of the grooming and abuse and still think Mia made the whole thing up need to explain that. I would just love to hear how that’s normal and fine.

ummm...i’m gonna beg to differ. yeah, cosby raped many more the volume of his crimes is, sure, yeah, greater. but woody allen is a fucking predator and who knows what damages he’s caused that we don’t know about.

Seriously, KStew gets heat (deservedly) for doing his shitty film, but this is the first mention of Steve Carrell? Fuck him. He’s older, wiser and he has daughters. There is NO EXCUSE for him here. Not a fan anymore.

“forcing her to suck his thumb”

My mother has worked in the film industry a long time. And, I sent her a link to the Kristen Stewart piece from Jez last night. And, this was her response:

ugh so disappointed in my girl blake.

a fitspo blogger who also has opinions about Black Lives Matter and calls himself “Solider of Steel.”

Rape culture, everybody.

I don’t understand why people pay attention to her. Her behavior is horrible.

Yes. Mainly because that’s completely and obviously different.

It’s insanity, it wasn’t political, it was a statement of pride in their considerable accomplishment. It was a sign that despite all odds they, as women and black women, can accomplish anything, despite the odds. And as usual, the odds makers have to try and break them down. Successful black women, strong American

In a perfect world.

The fact that they felt to reach such an obscure conclusion is what haunting to me. They could've easily have looked into African hair but instead, they're so invested in erasure and white heliocentricity that Lupita had no choice but to stunt on these hoes. Go Lupita, go!

It’s because Audrey Hepburn is Peak White Girl*, and therefore the biggest possible compliment they could give to Lupita.

Generous, actually.

There is absolutely no one to root for here.

Was it really accurate of Daniels to say that Terrence Howard hasn’t done anything that Sean Penn hasn’t also done? Given that the single domestic violence claim against Penn can only be sourced to a third-party biographer and is denied by the possible victim, while both Howard’s ex-wives have testified in court that

In other news, I have settled on the fact that they’re BOTH assholes.