
Are we now required to explain how anything we tweet doesn’t refer to Kim Kardashian?

I paid some lady put braids in my hair the last few days of my honeymoon in the Bahamas because the ladies on the beach wouldn’t fucking leave me alone asking to braid my hair every day, and I thought why not. Such a mistake. My scalp got sunburned in between the braids, which then peeled off in long strips. Cultural

Jesus for real i remember getting made fun of my braids when i was little, its how i made my first friend in pre school :) she’s black and Im mexican and she came up to me and said WE HAVE THE SAME HAIR!!!!! :) so fuck the kardashians I've been rocking braids since 1996

All braids? I don’t think any culture owns the general concept of braiding hair.

cornrows are a very specific type of braid, tight to the scalp. but braiding in all it’s various forms is pretty universal... europeans have always braided their hair as well.

I think you mean Reverse Freedom braid.

Also box braids, not BOXER BRAIDS, are a real thing.

Except for the fact that she actually apologized within hours of her comment?

The “actual apology” came in her much shorter statement released earlier.

Yeah great way to show support for gay people by allowing a racist orange misogynist homophobe manchild to be our president.

Yeah. These people aren’t fooling anyone. Have you been to the politics subreddit at all? It’s become a cesspool of lies about Hillary Clinton. If Bernie is such a great candidate, why do you have to invent lies about her? She’s far from perfect too, so it’s entirely unnecessary to have so much bullshit vitriol slung

This is the only correct way of thinking about every federal election for the rest of your life. Vote Blue Regardless in November. Slap a flag on it and make the bumper stickers.

Yeah, that’s ridiculous. I’m sorry, but if you really care THAT much about Bernie or Hilllary, I don’t see how you can NOT vote at all if your favorite of those two doesn’t make it to the general.

A fucking men. I get the whole Bernie thing, really, but JFC when you keep seeing “that lying fucking sack of shit bitch” and “the establishment bitch” I’m not completely convinced it’s the “establishment vs. reformer” argument some of his supporters are selling. Personally, I’ll vote for Hillary (don’t even bother,

Every time I hear a Bernie supporter say they’ll stay home in November if he loses or WORSE would vote for Trump instead, I want to set my hair on fire. Or theirs. It depends on the kind of day I’m having.

OHMIGOD. that is literally the perfect face.
it is just me or does it speak to some kind of grownup intelligence? am i projecting here?

I didn’t love this ad spot, but it’s been said before and still bears repeating: vote for your preferred candidate in the primary, but vote blue regardless in November. I’m so excited to have a chance to vote for Bernie on Tuesday, but I’ll also happily vote for Hillary in November if it means I get to vote against

Hot take: That baby, like many other babies, is cute. Once the baby becomes not a baby, his cuteness will likely diminish over time.

Yeahhhhh, if you remove those shady shades for a second, Beyonce has talent. Nobody can deny that. She probably doesn't make music for your ears but girl can carry a tune.

I keep thinking “no-vag”