
Are you kidding me? First of all, those women have agency, they chose to speak up and endorse someone. I’m going to be voting for whoever gets the democratic nomination, and I just sincerely hope your Drumpf reasoning is a joke.

How do you feel about Eric Garners daughter stumping for Bernie? Or is recruiting those affected by violence only ok when it’s the candidate you like?

I look forward to BernieBros explanation of why the moms of Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis just don’t understand what is in their own best interest, and just unaware of how wrong their opinions are

This is exactly what bothers me about Sanders...he thinks racism is just an economic issue...

Trayvon Martin didn’t live in any ghetto. His dad lived in a gated community in Florida with armed security.

That man is a joke.

Do they have even one? I really question the wisdom behind accepting Cornell West as a surrogate for black outreach.

Somebody get me that Stacey Dash from the Oscars on the phone!

Well, you know, back when Bernie had ties to the civil rights movement, he wasn’t a politician either, so if he gets praise for his work pre-politics, ummmmm, shouldn’t Clinton as well? I mean, that would mean your argument would have to have merit but ...

The black outreach coordinator.

If you look carefully in the background of a protest, you’ll see him being arrested.

“Why are all these pictures in black and white?? Just pick one that’s in color!”


Obviously, Twitter is part of the Mainstream Establishment media that is trying to keep Bernie down. Gawd.

Why is it that organizations so often have people who are at most a couple years out of college running their social media outreach? Few things have the potential to get you in as deep of shit!

Was Bernie there..............during the movie?

“DIY” and “abortion” are two words that should not have to be in the same sentence in the twenty-first century.

Whoa, it’s almost like making abortion more difficult to obtain doesn’t make the need for abortion go away.

I’m gonna march out my front door and punch the first Republican I can find. Bye.