
“Mark Gietzen claimed he was pro-life, but died anyway”

You just made me cackle in my incredible quiet office. Take your star!

IMO Polygon is just as bad.

<intrigued> Do go on...

I may have just answered my own question Arden. I got to this article late and I didnt read anything about emulation or making fun of readers, but I guess that all got edited out? Thats a shame to do something like that. I find myself liking this site less and less.

I may have just answered my own question to Arden. I got to this article late and I didnt read anything about emulation or making fun of readers, but I guess that all got edited out? Thats a shame to do something like that. I find myself liking this site less and less.

I’m not attacking, I’m just confused and want to make sure I understand your point. I went back and reread the article twice. and I have now re-read your first and this comment 2 more times, to make sure that I don’t misquote or misunderstand what you are trying to say. In your 2nd comment you say “I am, however

I have started answering suspicious calls as “Los Angelas County Sheriff’s Department.” If its someone who actually knows me or has business with me, they are usually shocked and go “huh?! is this Reanimationed?” And then I know its cool. They might also hang up, but they’ll call right back to make sure

Interestingly, I just read this EXACT SAME take over on an article at Polygon! I agree with you, its just interesting that its becoming an industry wide thing and not just a Kotaku thing.

From the corner of my eye I thought the banner picture said “We’ve Ejaculated” and I thought... “well, they’re already having the zombies use the N-word, so...why not?” <click> I am now a bit disappointed, both in myself, and in this article.

you almost made me spit my Cheetos (R) out

I sent you a friend invite on steam, I think. LOL

Fuck yes! Upwards and Onwards! Is there a way to DM you my contact info, in case you ever need to vent?

LOLOLOL Math jokes! Love it.

You ok man? I mean that genuinely.



I ask this humbly and with sincerity:

No mention of Crimson Desert?

I need more context