
nothing says "winner" like an all-consuming vendetta against the word "totes" being used sarcastically.

nothing says "winner" like an all-consuming vendetta against the word "totes" being used sarcastically.

All I do is stab myself in the finger. >_<

So what did he do for clothes?? Does he just keep buying new shit every day? >_<

So what did he do for clothes?? Does he just keep buying new shit every day? >_<

So what did he do for clothes?? Does he just keep buying new shit every day? >_<

" Your manicurist has more regulation in most places" HOLD UP. Dude's pro-regulation all of a sudden? Why do I suspect that applies only to women? Regulate business? YOU'RE A COMMIE NAZI SCUMBAG. but fuck these women, amirite?

One of my friends ended up with a unicorn horn to wear for the evening. It was ace.

Because they ARE taught to be entitled. Many of them hate women, yes. Many "only" disrespect women or think they can be treated like objects or are just not normal humans.

I mean, if men are animals, we should cage them. No?

And in the "post"-AIDS era. This Gen Xer is terrified at the complacency of these kids out here.

Dafuq? We watched "the miracle of life" in 9th grade bio in houston, in like 1992. they weren't fucking around there. that was enough to scare everyone. but they certainly didn't lie to us. :-?

Dafuq? We watched "the miracle of life" in 9th grade bio in houston, in like 1992. they weren't fucking around there. that was enough to scare everyone. but they certainly didn't lie to us. :-?

Yeah, and that's why they're having unprotected sex and getting it and/or all kinds of other gems. >_< The childrens need to be scared straight again.

Well, they couldn't be right about *everything*.

Sorry, did we cure AIDS and I missed it?

No shit? So you literally don't know that =/= is shorthand for NOT EQUAL TO? Because that's the only explanation for your confusion.

Some people only learn the hard way...

"but it looks like maybe this dude actually has no empathy because he's autistic (?)" Literally your words. I'm not sure what word you meant instead of empathy, since you've admitted that was incorrect. But nothing else makes sense. Thinking that "pretending" to threaten someone is funny is a bit beyond having trouble