
Ellen Voie failed to mention that her “FREE” anti-harassment document is for the highest paying corporate level sponsorship, therefore it is not free at all. No drivers have seen this super secret document and thus us not reinventing the wheel. It is the law of the land but unless the corporate cultures embraces a non

That is typical on the WIT page because they get sponsor dollars from CRST and other offensive carriers. That is why we lady drivers created REALWIT

I love being a truck driver and being in a different town every day. I love seeing the country and watching the sunrise and sunset coast to coast. I have never had any job that made me feel such a sense of accomplishment. To have that snatched away from you after finding it is devastating. The trucking lifestyle

The turnover rate is totally ridiculous and that no one ever calls them on it is astounding. Whenever you watch the nightly news and they start talking about the truck driver shortage it is really a call to action from the trucking lobby to round up more desperate people to churn and burn in carriers like CRST who

I am so glad you posted. So many women leave this industry after such an event because there is no support for them. If it becomes common knowledge that a woman has reported a sex assault she is often isolated. A social pariah. Senior women in the industry expect “service in silence”. Speaking up about rape is

Thank you for your support. The male trucker population is very aware of the issues perhaps more so than seasoned women truckers who did not experience the “training carrier” phenomenon of today and may tend to victim blame rather than show compassion. The silence of many empowers predators. We create their playground

Thank you for touching on that point. These women who enter trucking are primarily indigent and have no family support of any kind. They do not know what a human resource department is because many of them have not worked anywhere that had one. They do not know how to seek justice, and they have no money to take on

I agree

It has to do with the lack of filtering in recruiting. CRST and like carriers who use a team business model to run freight often look for people to recruit who are down and out. A warm body in the seat to move the freight. These training carriers exploit people who arrive to orientation centers with their belongings

Thank You Anna for writing this story and helping us educate the public. The trucking media largely ignores this topic. They will cover a story of a stolen truck , and of male drivers being robbed by a female while they slept in an unlocked truck but they look the other way on rape, harassment of women and