Real Unprocessed Food

And all this time, people were worried weed would be the gateway drug — turns out it was doctor-sanctioned opiods that were the gateway drug(s).

This is what happens when you introduce profit into a fundamental humanitarian industry. Make all drug companies be non profit, make all healthcare non profit, and solutions to the problems instead of bullshit semantics of what the problem is will start to form.

I’m black you dumbass

Oil spills are fake news.

To be fair, saying “Lyfting” might cause some confusion.

That reminds me of a joke that never made it onto Family Guy. Peter goes to Wall street and sees someone he knows named Sal. Peter yells “Sal!” trying to get his attention, causing everyone to sell all the stocks and the market crashes. Sal sees Peter, waves at him and Peter says “Bye!”. Then everyone buys the stocks

What makes this even better is that Karen Pence inadvertently joined in.

Reminder that white ppl just b walkin round fast food places with assault rifles with the idea of a police officer shooting at them not even occurring in the slightest .

Why isn’t the NRA defending Castile’s Second Amendment right to carry a firearm?

Not gonna lie I really like these..but I don’t wear heels or real fur. I am just obsessed with orange and weird shoes.

I’d want that hat before I’d want this shirt.

Thank you for everyone who has donated, took time to listen to our story and all the nice comments. A special shoutout for this blog who posted us. You guys are definitely helping us to achieve our dream. Much love ❤️ - One of the Monroe cheerleaders

Nationals may not mean anything to you, but it sure means a lot to us. The tears of the joy that come from cheerleaders after each competition shows that they are passionate about what they do, we have come so far and we will not give up on our dream. It’s not about the trip, it’s about coming home with the first

My new mantra is that he can’t possibly go 4 years without fucking up and getting impeached. Although I’m sure his replacement would be almost as bad so it’s cold comfort at best.

So where was this guy’s lawsuit when the top managers were 80% male?

The opposite has always been true: At least 80 percent of top managers being men. How come it’s a problem now?

Cry me a fucking river. This is going to happen more and more as men in traditionally overwhelmingly male industries, where they’ve been free to talk over and dismiss their colleagues, look around and notice more women running about, giving orders, getting ahead, and being taken seriously. Suck it up. Equality feels

Longtime Jez fan, first time poster. I created this account just now because Jackie was a casual friend of mine and I’m the one who sent the story into Jezebel. Just wanted to say thank you so much for using my tip and posting her story. Jackie was a funny, charming, kind young woman and we are trying to get her story

You think? I’ll bet the report costs more.

Slightly more than what was spent on the investigation and report