realsnickers is now twix

Ditto, Hearted

I'm an immigrant from eastern Germany. Stanislaw Lem was my favorite and most likley only Science Fiction writer.

It might save you from cancer. But it guarantees you a triple bypass


Finally, we found planet Magrathea,

problem solved. moving on, How many angles can you fit on a needle tip?


Metro sexual Marsh harrier birds: A single young bird with a high disposable income, living or working in the Marsh, who spends a lot of time and money on shopping for his appearance

We have AIDS since we went to the moon and brought HIV back to earth. This proofs that we went to the moon

But does it work with Duke Nukem 3d?


just drill a hole through each board and chain them together

I agree with you. If Google plus would have been launched at the same time as FB I would have chosen Google hands down. Now? not so much.

and I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats

comments like yours make want to come over from gizmodo and hang with you guys

Dear Gizmodo

So is the they have stingers inside the city and they are shooting planes down over the city where is the debris going to fall?

I'm going to wait until the in dash video footage from the police cruiser is featured on "Americas wildest Police chase"