realsnickers is now twix

oh wow this happens so often that cop groupies have a name? Sign me up

or what really happens when you divide by zero

you have a star! you can look down on others who don't and you will lose it for exessive trolling

funny, made my day

congrats to your star

I just wanted to promote your comment

Here you go ,,,,,,,, Use them wisely.

Here you go ,,,,,,,,,, Use them wisely.

The car copy is going to cost $1000000000.00 because of the special "unicorn blood" Printer ink you are required to use.

just came back from a session "people of walmart" also:Hearted!

The Chinese Army is going to train urban warfare in this "city" to have a leg up when they attack Austria and Austria's notorious pocket of resistance: Hallstadt

I think this is proof that we fooled with alcohol earlier than we thought

congrats fur receiving a star

I think this is funny, not stupid

@Graviton1066: there is plenty of time in what they call "post sleep"

If they got an infection on mars they need to stay there. I saw Dr. Who I know what can happen

Dear Jeddah welcome to the Mile High Club. sincerely Denver

@ikaiyoo: I'm sure he is reading So Lee if you read this, Do it!!!!!!

@Evil Boss Mojoman: I lol'd so i went to and "hearted" you. You welcome, don't abuse it...