realsnickers is now twix

This is perfect I want this for our 2010 Christmas cards (thats right I said Christmas) :-) Who here has a link to a "how to" website?

@realsnickers: I was all prepared to answer the flaming replies I most certainly would get with a funny comment and nothing. I’m impressed and disappointed at the same time How Do I ever get a star?

Did Apple launch the iPad already in Canada?

Now all we need is a swingset an a little girl

I may have a bird brain compared to the Berkeley physicist Raphael Bousso. But my bird brain prevents me from going public with the claim that time may or may not end.

I know you are all sad and sorry for the poor kid. But I can only think of the Darwin Award. Am I a bad person?

@dealchicago: but then it would not be called Jeep. IKEA would call it KOETBULLA or something

The CEO and the board of directors deserve to be spanked for entering the cell phone market in the first place. I'm pretty sure business schools talk about the "Quaker Snapple fiasco" so you can learn from it and not to repeat somebody elses mistakes.

WWSD (what would Sully do?)

This deserves a special kind of facepalm

@freedomweasel: In my opinion burning a book is suppressing somebody else freedom of speech

I completely disagree with the free speech argument burning a book is exactly the opposite of free speech and in my opinion not protected by the first amendment. This will reflect negatively on every single American everywhere in the world.

F-22 Gaytor

No wonder why my calorie count is always off and I have problems to lose weight. But seriously who do we sue?

@TactakillChewy: California has the eight largest economy in the world just behind Italy and in front of Canada and Spain and they are in trouble. It is only natural that the people of California ask an Austrian bodybuilder for help.

It is funny how this works. The same equipment used to track down terrorists can be used to track down critics of the Iranian government. Maybe Siemens should work on their Code of Conduct a little.

We also could take the bodies and bake them into small green bars. All we need is a catchy name. How about, and I'm just thinking out loud here, Soylent Green? We could then feed it to the people. Voila 100% recycled and green.

One Hurricane and that thing will capsize. I wish they would stop smoking crack during the design process

Fanboyism, you guys crack me up. Here is my question: Can an Apple and Bear Grills Fanboy team up with a Microsoft and Bear Grills Fanboy against a Les Stroud Fanboy?

I was sitting in Denver on a soccer field at midnight and I saw three meteors. I was chased by a sprinkler that managed to sneak up on me and I did find out that we have Mosquito’s in Denver. All in all: Meh!!