realsnickers is now twix

The only radio station I'm listening to is "VNV Nation" radio on Pandora. The FM chip in my cell phone will be very lonely

I'm a German with a German passport and everything. So I feel compelled to comment on this article: Meh !!

Great job Giz. Now every nut job out there know that Steves car is the one without the license plate. Steve now has to go to the DMV and get license plates, you know for safety reasons.

@Fourdagon: would you have clicked on the story if Dave would be naked in the shower?

Funny, here on Gizmodo everybody thinks about using it on a future iPhone. While across the street the staff from Cosmopolitan is trying to figure out how to use liquid metals to enhance our sex life. So predictable

The news paper said that he is 63 and she is 25. Soo Hell yea!!!