
Man, I remember hearing SK in like ‘98 and just loving their sound. Finally got a chance to see them live in ‘17, and I just makes me wish I’d see them before, and more often!

The fact that they are buying exclusives is the problem for me. Put your game on ALL the PC platforms, and I’ll choose the one I want to use. I buy some games from GOG, I buy some from Origin, and others from, but mostly exclusives, or single player games.

Has it already been 5 years! **internet research** ok wow, yeah September is 5 years. Hmm, I doubt we’ll see something this year, but I wonder if they’ll do a release next year* or w/e we get next gen consoles and release on PC/console together.

Yeah, me and my brother played a lot of BO:4 when it first came out. I switched to BF:V for a hot minute, and eventually dropped both until this last weekend to check out Firestorm, and didn’t see that the Barebones PC is until next week, so i’ll check that out later. 

Sweet, I’ve been avoiding CoD since they released the first round of DLC (I refuse to buy map packs), I’ll have to jump in to see if there is a Barebones lobby that has the default maps. 

Do these same people yell at restaurants that sell only Coke or Pepsi products?

Yeah, it’s that or $10 for every 10gig that we’re over up to $200? I think.

You pay more for a business account, but you up-time guarantees, and the ability to do more with your line, like host a server. I pay an additional $50 for unlimited, but it’s cheaper than the potential $200 from overages.

I tried it, I like AC:O, but on Project Stream I got stuck on the first large battle. I COULD NOT parry to save my life. Now that they’ve given us the game for free, and I’m playing it on my PC, I’m 27hrs in and loving it. Also, the game looks amazing, instead of just good.

It wasn’t a problem, until we got a roommate. With 3 adults who game, and stream Netflix, we regularly go over 1TB a month, so we have to pay more than our regular plan :/. 

This is great, but how much bandwidth will it take? Because I have to pay comcast extra if I go over my bandwidth limit.

You’re numbers are not apples to apples, yes, together they are bringing in 72k, so 36k each. A household with two new teachers would be making 76k.

GGG also lets you earn free MTX every season. 

This looks awesome, but usually falls short because it is PVP (IMO). If you had this same premise, and it was an MMO, or multiplayer PVE game, it would be awesome. But when it is PVP servers, then you are either raiding, or being raided when you are asleep and offline. And MAYBE you get a chance to actually have a

They need better PR “kill/save the animals” sounds terrible, but the truth is “kill/save the frames”, which is what GDQ is all about ;)

If you’re looking for “units sold” anything that was free weekend, or PS+ inflates the numbers, also used game sales. 

It’s really too bad that it is that high honestly. 

Man I love Power Stone. It feels little janky to me now, but at the time it was so amazing. It is still one of my favorite couch-pvp games with friends.

Thanks for this story Stephen! I have fond memories of being up LATE playing FFXI in Dynamis (an end game raid) with like 20+ other people and there was some down time.

It is ok to show disappointment, but dollar speak louder than words. Let Blizzard know you’re going to boycott their product, and then actually do it. If the market doesnt support shitty mobile games, then they will stop making shitty mobile games. But GL, China is the dominant market, so we’ll keep getting this shit.