I tried to post a photo, link a photo ,drag drop a photo and failed as usual.
I tried to post a photo, link a photo ,drag drop a photo and failed as usual.
Oooh, we have jungles? (rushing to the window) Oh. nevermind. Remember to wash vigorously after bushwhacking cow parsnip or the rest of your trip you will be in a burqah so you don’t turn into an oozy, pus-y salve-slathered sideshow freak.
Throttle defeat device = ignition switch. Oh, wait. Nevermind. Just “shift” it into neutral with the fly-by-wire “regular-permenent press-delicates” knob attached to the faulty electrical system. Waiting for the grands to ask me why my leg always moves when I move the stick on the floor while we’re driving.
Sand. Right. Sand doesn’t break windshields. Ever been to AK in the winter, A.K.A. most of the year?
If it lived most of its life up in The North, the frame is probably OK, because until recently, ice melt chemicals were used sparingly in the south central area and generally not anywhere else. What is more concerning is that it may have lived most of its life in The North, where every mile is worth two or more…
I read this stuff while eating breakfast. I Iron Puked a little into my mouth at this sad reminder. Thanks. Fun fact: The Puke and the 301 share bore and stroke, in fact, the first iteration of both shared piston part numbers.
Are you describing the future owner of this vehicle?
The pedal on the right. NO, THE OTHER RIGHT!
Human race winner candidate.
A turd is a turd. It may be 38 years new, but it still stinks and should have been left to compost with the rest of them.
Um, yeah, I’m going to have to sort of disagree with you there. I also got the chance to drive a Versa with a Continually Vomitous Trash power transfer device. The combination of trying to simulate shift points and expected CVT action left me nauseous. Coupled with the mystery actions of the manual control I was very…
Hang the sense of it and keep yourself busy. I suggest early retirement and lots of bike touring and blogging about french fries you’ve encountered at the various cafes and diners you stop at. While new-fangled, sriracha ketchup is as positive a development as OHC and FI on a V-twin.
I feel sorry for the people that will inevitably end up colliding with them as the ADHD, screen-addicted riders drift between lanes while trying to make a social media post. Just one more moving obstacle to deal with while riding.
I did throw up a little into my mouth. It tastes like XR4Ti.
Pilot training 101 manual: “it has the words DON’T PANIC inscribed in large friendly letters on its cover. “