
Neutral: Does doing donuts at a golf course in a golf cart, while highly inebriated on rum and coke count?

A co-worker and I were traveling to a site, and it was a long day trip there and back. We rented a Grand Prix with the 3.8l V6. I was cruising at about 70 when the co-worker fell asleep, I poked the button to switch it to kmPH, and 70 turned into 113 kmPH and when the co-worker woke up and was slightly disoriented I

When I was quite young, my dad had a Subaru GL-10(?) that had a digital dash (such technology!). He used to take the car up to 62 mph, ask “are you ready to go 100??” and press the button to change units to km/h. I thought it was WILD we were going 100 miles an hour. Like a lightspeed jump! I could feel it, I swear.

I’ll agree to that. I did that for years and found myself just hauling ass on the freeway to get home from 350 miles away, but again I guess I would consider that commerce.

You’re being far too kind to SSC. They flat out lied about the involvement Dewetron in early press releases.

Winchester to Blacksburg. Went to Virginia Tech for 5 years. There were a few semesters when I went home just about every weekend. I got very familiar with that route, and just from bypassing accidents saw most of 11 over the years too. There was stuff I liked getting off to see, places for food or bathrooms, etc.,

And on that bombshell . . .

Less accurate than the compass my kid got at Chuck E. Cheese.

That is the nicest design the Elon has cranked out so far. Hopefully they can fold in back into the range. And NOT call it something stupid like Model W420 in Comic Sans...

The Tesla will go for another dangerous and meaningless record, fastest top speed driven autonomously.

Who said anything about Tesla and their imaginary-for-now Roadster?

The Tesla fanboys be like... Ummph only 331 MPH. Hold my White Claw. LOL

Pretty simple really, they had the speedo set to KPH.

I read to the end and still have the same thought I did when I read the intro, “who thinks a promotional video released to Top-Gear is going to be completely accurate?”

I hope the first question is, “WHO GIVES A FUCK?”

Volvo has you covered. 

“Chastity column.”

Mmmm... wolf’s milk...

Or a simpler explanation :

There is an antenna on the roof :