

Everyone is always playing by ear... yet typical news media and writers, instead of reporting facts objectively... add in opinions, manipulate and cherry pick data, make conjectures, and sensationalize crap... it sells, and gets viewers (us).  In the end of the day, what they report and how accurate they are does not

It’s the constant wild extrapolation from a single data point that’s the issue. The world is far more complex than NYC car sales last month or Honda’s drop in profits (still making profits, but panic anyway!) or COVID infections in a particular auto plant in Mexico.

“Well, guys, I found this really cool tree in the midst of all these other trees. Still no luck finding the forest.  I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

Would help you and the “burn them all” types in the replies to actually read those articles and then what is quoted instead of the headlines. Sales were very bad at the beginning of the pandemic. In today’s article: “Every member of the gauge is up since the start of July.”

So the pandemic was Very Bad for The Cars, but is now Very Good for The Cars?

If you want something like this, this one is the one you want. It doesn’t get much nicer than this, and if it does get nicer it’ll cost even more.

This is a piece of motoring history worth owning. $28,000 worth? I don’t know, but hard to fault the attention this car has gotten.

This thing is extremely pretty, and I certainly wouldn’t spend $28k on it. But you’re probably not going to find another one in better shape.

ranging from around $79,900

How much does the cheapest model, which probably won’t do 200 MPH, but on the other hand, even if you really want to go 200 MPH, where in the world can you actually do that, how much is that one?

I’m saving my money for the “Flowery Twat” special edition.

Wait, there’s going to be roadside wrenching?! I didn’t sign up for that!


My German is getting pretty dang good. It was rusty before (like most things associated with me), but I’ve hit it with some Naval Jelly and fine steel wool.

I’m reading this whole post with you writing it in a slightly, newly acquired German accent.

Love the article. Tip for next time: buy a VW van in Germany. (If you want to struggle, buy French or foreign.) Enjoy the trip - looking forward to the roadside wrenching updates.

That what she said.

You have an odd fetish

It doesn’t get any hotter than a mid-90's Volvo. 

You’re a bad person.