
I had a 2012 Xterra X, and now have a 2015 Xterra Pro4X (the last year of them). I love this truck, So comfortable, plenty big enough, great off-road (though I haven’t gotten into too much with this one yet), and more. However, the gas mileage can kiss my ass. It gets the same mileage as my 2004 Discovery, which is

Debatable, at least... but not sure how that relates to this? Have you priced these? On top of that, I’m a huge body on frame SUV fan, and avid off-roader. This is like my cherry pie, man.

Why do people think that? Because other people pay their asking price with glee and reckless abandon.

Infrastructure spending is gonna be down for a while, too.

“From vintage supercars to modern jet fighters, Jalopnik is obsessed with the cult of cars and everything that moves you – tanks, bikes, and planes, with the exception of trucks and anything GM.

Sounds like a great purchase! Enjoy your truck!


A Shilling take is so easy to spot, a caveman could do it.

I voted NP for others, because I get it,but for me it’s a CP. I just don’t have time for that kind of project!

Thanks for providing the illustration for comment. Those look livable.

Pics or it didn’t happen.

That’s recycling!

Lordy me, this comments section has me rolling today. So. Fucking. Much. Needed. Way to bait a bunch of gearheads with anti-seize commentary!

And mustache!

Buuuuuut, there is shame in driving a Rogue. 

“A control as critical as shifting needs to happen in the same place all the time.

She was abandoned by her mom under my gf’s deck in Southern MD, during Hurricane Isabel (she goes by Izzy, or Isabel), not long after being born. My gf nursed her with bottle droppers and the whole lot and she just stayed there and moved up here to PA. She has a heated house and heated water bowl in the garage, and

I technically have a cat. She migrated here 8 years ago when my gf and her kids moved in. She’ll be 17 in October and has spent her entire life outside. She’s really the only cat I’ve ever liked.

That thing is horrid looking, inside and out. CP at $5k less.

What The fuck woodwork did you come out of?