This car could stand to have more dust on the back of the steering wheel too. If you want to sell it at a premium, you have to make it look premium. CP.
This car could stand to have more dust on the back of the steering wheel too. If you want to sell it at a premium, you have to make it look premium. CP.
Do you really think it worked like that at that dealership? I highly doubt Henry Ford III stole sales from his co-workers. What kind of fucking dumb twat would do that, which in turn would fuck their family name when it got out (which it would), when all that’s been ingrained into him his entire life is that “this…
If there was, I dunno, some way to shine a light in there so bright that it would light it from the inside, then that would kill all the Covfefe-19, right? Is that something we could look into?
Record player.
FWIW, I prefer “shit-can.” :)
I literally didn’t even know about the collapse in 2003. Just found that out when I was grabbing the link. I’ve been in Central PA since ‘91 now and haven’t been back since.
Or “cancel?”
THEY’RE ALL EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!
I know it’s 100% correct grammar, but I can’t get over “can’t can.” It just throws my mind for a spin. I’m getting stir-crazy.
Exactly what I came here to comment. I think it’s quite grounded that he worked in a dealership when he probably didn’t have to. Nepotism is what it is, but when the family requires the kids to learn the entire business, still work for a “penny,” and make their way up, I think it says how much the really value their…
Oh my God, that was my exact take. That car is horrid looking, but $2k is fuck it money for a fun side-car. NP
Honestly, haven’t been to one in probably more than a decade, but I trust your #wafflehouseknowledge
Completely true.
They can’t boil water, or don’t have whole eggs? What ingredients am I missing?
No wonder Aussies love to go to Hawaii so much, kind of the same weather and not a single dangerous animal, snake or spider. But that thing is something else!
Our main use has always been messaging, not necessarily video calling. I just counted 11 different chats that I’ve actively been involved in today. In the 19 years I’ve been at my company, I’ve always worked with people from across the country, so remote work has always been a part of my job.
That kinda reminds me of the time(s) that my family would go to Kinzua state park in PA, to the famous bridge that held the world record of tallest railroad bridge for two years.
What the actual fuck? Is that real??