
Some people have voices that carry more when they emphasize. I read that in Gilbert Gottfried’s voice.

Lmao. You get a pass.

Why are you yelling?

Hey, Picasso was considered art, too.

I really, really like this car. I think it is a work of art and just unique enough to turn heads. A quick scan of the interwebz tells me this is a going price for one in this condition. NP.

Probably not the only one, but I would guess you're in a minority.

I hear that a lot, but I only have an issue once in awhile. not sure if phone type makes a difference, I have a Google Pixel 2xl.

Honesty is the best policy.

I get that, but I see that as more of an added bonus. For an apples to apples comparison, I would just compare gas pumps to superchargers or whatever. If you have a usable density of superchargers, and they’re charging as close to a gas car filling up as possible, then that’s going to be the tipping point in my

Curious why you specified at home? You don't have a gas pump at home.

Hey! This here’s a ‘Murican comments section! You do your voodoo metric conversions offline and come back with the good old US of A numbers!

I agree, buuuuut.... Do you really think that is out of character for him? 2am, he’s all awake and tweeting, and there ain’t no lawyers around?

Your sentence structure needs work.


I guess it’s good that all your vehicles in your backyard are running, so you can move them out of the way to make room for a couple friends to fit. Unless they’re going to park on the street and then come sit in your various works of yard art?

It IS a shame, too. This might be the only Miata I ever actually desired to own, but too much wrong, and price is too Cracky.

Not China! They’re winning at this covid! I just read it this morning on the People’s Morning Sun.

That’s funny, I did the same thing on the serpentine where you’re supposed to go 15 and pH or more. my dad was big on driving smoothly with other people in the car so I was conditioned to take it smoothly.

You seem like a nice kid, but you do realize that stereotype exists for a reason? I thought I was an excellent driver too, when I was younger. And my dad was a gear head, wrencher, drag racer and taught me how to drive well. But I 100% guarantee you that I am a better driver today than I was then. There is simply NO