
Thanks, appreciate it!

Thank you! I’ll just tag on your comment cuz I was gonna say that. I am NOT a fan of same color interior as the exterior either, but I actually like both of the colors so much, I might give this one a pass.

He doesn’t care about G-forces.

Once they saw us eating bats and killing everyone because of that sweet, sweet bat juice, they bugged the fuck out.

Which one’s better? I don’t have that kind of time.

Catastrophic? For someone who I’m assuming appreciates comedy, his words are comedic gold farts. Maybe his consequences are catastrophic, but his words are laughter to my ears. I cannot WAIT until he and Joe Biden debate. OMFG, it’s going to be epic!

Yeah, but do you really think you know all the aircraft that our military is testing at any given time? No. Interesting comment I just saw by this guy: Tripoli1794

It’s too broad brushed, but then I read what you wrote more carefully and I’m pulling back my ‘false’ stance. I WFH and can’t wait for things to be back to whatever the new ‘normal’ is again. But I don’t want to rush it either.

This is a little Kinja gold for ya.

My dad’s first car was a bright yellow ‘63 Tempest with a 3-speed.

It’s okay though, it will be one big Burning Man and no one will need jobs anymore.

I like this take.

I see who you are, but calm down, Junior.

I don’t believe this is the correct take. It’s not Bradley-level bad, but it’s just not true.

I’m hanging onto hope (ever the optimistic one) that since this virus was first discovered in 2013, in a horseshoe bat in a Yunnan province cave, and is very closely related to the other famous SARS, that we’ll actually have a shorter timeline. Coronaviruses are some of the most studied since 2003, and

That’s kind of an endorsement, right?

No. No one should do the shit that causes police chases in the first place, and then we'd be fine.

Understood. But that’s not what I got from what the OP wrote; I sensed more of a political undertone there. And I don’t think it follows that. Oh well. “To the Stars Through Difficulties

Is this it?

Not sure it does.